



In Medias Res


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A Statement of Belief

I really don't know why I do these things... Day in and day out, putting the same old nose to the same old grindstone... Why? So I can afford to drink poison milk? So I can buy my children McDonalds and space out in wonder at the reason why my seven year old daughter has breasts? So I can try to sit back with a beer in my hand and watch the news on Fox? Oh wait, they're driven by the same things... the need to make money. They don't report stories if they'll lose money off of it, no matter how important it is for people to know... I seem to recall a couple of years ago, someone mentioning that I should be shot dead in front of my family and friends for knocking Nike, Coca-Cola, the Gap and McDonald's. Why, they're just friendly multinational corporations looking to make America better! ... ... ... That's why Nike, in all of their self-serving glory, decide they're going to use sweatshops and child labour to make their clothing. Or why McDonald's 'Restaurants' draws kids in at a young age by enticing them with toys and other such goodies. That's why the Gap produces an image that if you wear their clothes, you'll be popular... But only if you're anorexic and blonde... You can see where I'm going with this. I'm very much Pro-government. Governments are great! They deserve to rule over the people! That's what a government is for, after all!... However, I dislike the need for money in government. Politicians need to pay for thirty second spots, so they get elected. Corporations give them the money, of course.... but usually for a little favour. Usually just so they'd vote a certain way on an upcoming bill... Greed is driving our society full force. Greed for materialism. Greed for populary. Greed for wealth. But, more dangerously... greed for power. As disturbing as this is... it's where we're at. I don't profess to have an answer to any of this. I don't proclaim that I'm above all of this. In fact, by the mere fact of my having worked at a large corporation, no matter how brief, I am simply propagating it all... But I'm open to suggestions.

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©2004 Kyle Emmerson.