(And give yourself a severe case of eyestrain)

(The future isn't what it used to be....)



(A Sailor Moon Lemon MSTing)

MSTed From the Desk of Megane 6.7

This is a MSTing of a work of fiction created by another author.
Use of copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment
purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or
trademarks held by Best Brains, Inc. is intended or should be inferred.

Any random mention of certain anime characters, song titles, etc. are
the property of their respected creators/distributors/etc.  Just covering
my own ass here folks....

"Sailor Moon" is the property of Naoko Takeuchi and all the distributors
of her work.
"That Girl" is the property of Oscar and he's welcome to it.  I do not
intend to offend him for making fun of his work like this but I figure
it's only a matter of time before someone does.  Think of this as another
form of C&C.  ;)

Warning:  This fic contains mature content, both lemon and otherwise.
If you are offended by such material, simply delete it and it's gone.  If
not, enjoy!


* * *



 "ACHOO!!!"  Frank-Chan exploded as she sneezed all over Dr.

 The room went deathly silent.  Neither person moved an inch as
Frank, now a male again, watched the snot slowly travel down Dr. F's face
and drip down his lime green lab coat.  The trickles continued downwards
until it reached the chest where a pair of newly formed breasts now rested.
Frank broke the silence by wiping his nose on his sleeve and then, after
taking a deep breath, forced himself to look into Dr. Forrester's eyes,
about to apologize profusely....

 Frank's words were caught in his throat as he noticed Dr. F's
beautiful blue eyes, were glowing with rage.  Frank would have sworn that
Dr. F was exposed to Mako energy had he not known what had happened.
Then Frank noticed a mallet in Dr. Forrester-Chan's hand.

 "FFFFFRANK....!"  A deadly feminine voice whispered.

 "Uh, sorry?"  Frank squeaked lamely.

 "NNNNNOOOO....!!"  the whisper continued.

 "The fanfic, Dr. F!  What about the fanfic!"  Frank yelped,
gesturing frantically at the console....


 "BBBBBBBBAKA!!!!!!"  She screamed as she unloaded the
mallet on Frank's head.  She did more several times until it broke off
from repeated impacts, the head not the mallet.  Then she kicked
Frank's head across the room to impact hard against the wall.  The
head wobbled from side to side for a moment and then the head inquired.

 "Feel better now, Dr. F?"
 Dr. Forrester-Chan turned her head towards the screen, ran
her fingers through her cherry red locks and turned back to Frank.
"Much."  she replied.  "Anyway, as I was saying, I think it's time to
unleash the rest of Oscar's fanfic on our unwitting heroes.  I figure the
sudden realization should dampen their spirits considerably and then
when the lemon scene arrives... OH HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!"  Dr.
Forrester-Chan's laughter echoed throughout the room.  Frank's
headless body shuddered.

 "They'll rue the day they messed with you, Dr. F!"  Frank replied
in his best suck-up tone of voice.

 "They already are, Frank... heh heh heh... they already are.  Send
them the second part...."
 "Uh...."  Frank began.

 Dr. Forrester-Chan giggled.  "Silly me!  I forget about your
little predicament there."

 "Then you'll put me back together again?"  Frank replied hopefully.

 "Not till I get all that Jusenkyou water out of you, Frank!  Thank your
lucky stars I have some Nannichuan water to cure myself or all the king's horses
and all the king's men couldn't save you from my wrath!"  Dr. Forrester-Chan
replied sweetly as she went over to the console to send part two of  "That Girl"
to the theater.  That done, she glanced down at her breasts and shrugged.

 "I don't see why Ranma makes such a big deal out of these...."
* * *


 The conga line had progressed to a combination of a bunny hop
and a limbo under Gypsy when alarms and sirens suddenly rang out.

 "WHAT?!?!"  Everyone shouted at once.

 "Don't tell me Dr. Forrester's got another fanfic for us already!?!"
Tom exclaimed in disbelief!

 "I was afraid of this...."  Joel sighed.

 "He didn't even tell us what it is?!  NO FAIR!!"  Crow whined.

 "Come on guys, let's just go in and get it over with...."  Joel replied.

 "Lousy bum...."  Tom grumbled.

(Door 6: It's a giant speaker.  You plug a electric guitar into it, crank up
the volume and strum it hard, causing it to explode.)

(Door 5: It's made of Lego.  You take it apart and build a dozen small objects
with it before you continue.)

(Door 4: It's a four layer door.  The first goes into the ceiling while the
other three retract rapidly in order of left, right, left.)

(Door 3: It's made of solid rock.  You cover it with a large sheet of paper and
it vanishes.)

(Door 2. It's a complex puzzle from RIVEN.  You work on it for an hour
then take the coward's way out and read the solution from the net....)

(Door 1: It a double door.  Both swirl open from the center.)

(Door .7: A beam of golden light erupts from the floor.  You walk into it.)

 Joel emerges from the light into the theater with Tom in his arms,
Crow emerging a moment later and following close behind.  Stepping over
the air grate that prevented Tom from entering the theater on his own, Joel
placed him down on one of the theater seats and sat next to him, Crow
sitting on his right.

Tom: Why was the door sequence the same as the last fic?  Doesn't it usually

Crow: This is a new season.  Maybe they changed the routine?

Joel: <sighing> You just don't see what's happening, do you, guys?

Crow and Tom: See what?

>And now a special message from your master, your god, your supreme
>being of all that exists, the happiest sadist,  Gentleman and Robots, Dr.
>Clayton Forrester!  Yay!!!

Tom: What the heck's this all about?

Crow: What could it mean?

Joel: Why does Dr. Forrester sound like a girl?

>Greetings, fools!  I've temporarily inserted myself into this fanfic to tell
>you that the abrupt ending was nothing more than a ruse to get
>your spirits up so I could crush them with the remainder of "That Girl"!
>BWAHAHAHAHA!!!  So enjoy, my little friend and be sure to pay
>special attention to the lemon scene, I wouldn't want you to miss all the
>fun... heh heh heh... Toodles!

Crow and Tom: ....

Joel: Uh oh, I'd better tone down their emotion chips before it's....

Crow:  WHY YOU #$#$%@%@%@%@%!#%!%!#%!%!!!!

Tom: ARRRRRRRRRGHHHH!!!!  (Tom's head explodes with a flash
of pyrotechnics and a shower of sparks)

Joel: ...too late.


Joel: Crow, calm down and give me a hand with Tommy here.

Crow: <still screaming at the screen>  IF I EVER GET DOWN FROM

(Joel walks over to Crow and slaps him hard.  Crow is momentarily dazed
as Joel looks him in the eyes and says....)

Joel: Crow!  Get a grip!  We're all in this together and *together* we can
survive this!  But I need you to calm down!  I can't MST this fic without
you guys... okay?

Crow: <simulates taking a deep breath>  Okay, fine Joel.  Just let him walk
all over us, why don't ya....

Joel: Stay frosty, pal.  We're all in this together.  Hand me that scotch tape....

(A few minutes later)

Joel: Feeling better Tommy?

Tom: <coughs>  Yeah, I guess so.....I still hate Dr. F's guts though....

Joel: That's only, honey.  We all do.  Crow, you okay?  Sorry I slapped
you earlier.

Crow: S'okay.  I'll live.

>Artemis finally founded Oscar in the game, and he had the Bazooka,
>Oscar went wide-eyed as Artemis pushed the Fire button and blasted
>Oscar into itty bitty pieces,

Crow: <groans> We should have known it was too good to be true.  This
is Dr. Forrester we're talking about....

Tom: Still, a Duke Nukem .wad with Oscar as the enemy is an interesting

Crow: Yeah, from the creator of Priss Nukem....

Joel: That's the way, guys.  Don't let Dr. F get to you.

Tom: I'll try, Joel....

Crow: Ditto.

>"Yes!!! ha ha!" Artemis said With a big fat smile and his fang outside.
>Oscar falled from the bed with a Crazy look on his face, and weakly said
>"I-I can't beleive it!! A-Artemis beated me?".

Tom: Geez, get a grip!  It's only a video game for crying out loud!

Crow: Ahem, I believe the word Oscar meant to say was *defeated* not

Joel:  Good job, Crow....

Crow: So get it right next time or else the Senshi will shove your N64
where the sun don't shine!

Joel: Crow?

Crow: I'm calm!  I'm just bitter, that's all!

>"Better luck next time!" Artemis said to him as he looked from the bed.
>Oscar stood up and turned off the N64, and tunned in the FOX channel.

Joel: All right!  Just in time for Tazmania!

Tom: Somehow I picture Oscar watching Eek the Cat....

>Then something knocked the door, Oscar and Artemis heard this and
>went to the front door, He oppened it, but no one was there instead he
>found a letter below his feet,

Joel:  First the cats were *in* their shoulders, then they ate *inside* a
table, now a letter is *below* his feet?

Crow: Maybe he just stepped on it?

Joel: Oh.

>"Huh?" Oscar said as he took the envelope and oppened it. It said:

Joel: Dear Oscar, you may have just won ten-million dollars!

Tom: Dear Friend, welcome to Hermaphrodite's Anonymous!

Crow: Dear Mr. O. Wilde, Your catnip scented hot oils have arrived
and are ready to be picked up.

>"Oscar, meet me at the School's football stadium, at 7:00 pm. sharp, and
>come alone....". Oscar raised an eyebrow and returned inside, Artemis
>was curious of what the letter said, and asked "Um Oscar what does it say?"

Crow: <Oscar> I've been called to jury duty for Judge Brainitite!

Joel: <Oscar>  I've been accepted into Yale!

Tom: <Oscar>  None of you damn business, furball!

>Oscar looked down to Artemis and with a smile he replied "Oh just a little
>challenge that some guy made me, no big deal," Artemis smiled and said
>"Well, good luck" Oscar blinked and then chuckled.

Crow: Now this is starting to sound like a Ranma 1/2 fanfic.

>It was 6:43 pm. and Oscar Got in his fighting suit, that looks like Goku's
>but without the "Kame" sign,

Joel: Funny, I was expecting something a bit more... hermaphrodite-ish.

Crow: Like what?  A T-shirt that says "I go 2 wayz"?

Joel: I guess I walked into that one.

>he then left the house and went to the stadium. Oscar got there at 6:59 and
>looked everywhere as he saw noone waiting for him.

Joel: Who?

Tom: Noone?

Crow: Noone I ever heard of.  Ha!  I kill me!

>Oscar felt a little worried, and excactly at 7:00 he heared someone yell.
>"SANDP-SPLASH!!!" The voice yelled,

Tom: Who yelled first?  Someone or the voice?

Joel:  Aren't Sandps very dangerous hermit-crabs?

Tom: No, I believe Sandps are morons who sit at the beach all day and no
one really wants to see bare-chested.

Crow: Nah, Sandps are when cats do number 1.

Joel and Tom: Oh, ick.

>Oscar turned around but everything went all foggy and dusty, he couldn't see

Tom: Sailor Mercury's attacking him?

Crow: Either her or Pigpen.

>A familiar voice then said "Why did you had to come into my life!?"
>Oscar still confused said "Who are you? show yourself!" He then felt
>something aproaching by his side, the person tryed to punch him, but Oscar
>jumped out of it's range.

Tom: Fortunately, Oscar had his spidey sense to evade the attack.

>"Why are you attacking me?" Oscar asked the voice,

Crow: Wait a minute... Maybe Artemis hired an assassin to bump off Oscar?

Joel: Of course!  Mercury told Artemis how much Mina missed him and
together they arranged this clever trap to be rid of him once and for all!

Tom:  That *would* be a cool plot twist... but I kinda doubt it.

>and it replied "I liked you since the day i saw you....no one deserves you
>more than me!!"

Joel: Oscar knew those words would come back to haunt him someday....

Crow: Him?  They're still haunting ME!

>Again Oscar felt someone near him, the person tried to drop kick him,
>but Oscar evaded again. The voice said "But no....you had to be in love
>with a cat!!!" Oscar heared this and Went wide-eyed, as his mind went
>to overdrive "What?!!" Osca said still bewildered. "DELTAAA KICK!!!!"


>The voice yelled, Oscar was too emotionall to notice the person
>aproaching, the person connected the 2 kicks to Oscar, he went
>flying and slammed into the floor.


>Oscar stood up "Sooo you wanna fight? then that you'll get"

Crow: <Oscar>  My name is Oscar.  Prepare to die!

Tom: <Mercury>  You fight like a dairy farmer!

Crow: <Oscar>  I am rubber, you are glue!

Tom: <Mercury>  There are no words to describe how disgusting you are!

Crow: <Oscar> Oh yeah?

Tom: <Mercury> You're no match for my brains, you poor fool!

Crow: <Oscar> Uh... I am rubber, you are glue!

>The person laughed "Ha ha ha!!" Oscar heared this and said "I know that

Joel: <Oscar> It's Dr. Claw!

>The person runned into Oscar, punching him repeteadly and kicking him,

Crow:  <Captain Kirk in Star Trek III>  I... AM SICK... AND TIRED...

>Oscar blocked everyone of the person's attacks, Then the person made a
>slash to Oscar and ripped his shirt, "Whoa!" Oscar said as he looked his
>shirt all ripped off,

Tom: <Oscar>  Aw, man!  It took me six months to save enough
cereal box tops for that!

Crow: Thank god it wasn't his undies....


Tom: <William Buckley>  What my erudite colleagues may fail
to realize is..."

Joel: The Buckley stops here, Tom.

>Oscar quickly noticed this and saw a medium sized ball run into him,
>attacking him and scratching him below,

Joel: That *HAS* to hurt.

Crow: Baraka in a cameo roll!

Tom: <Oscar>  Thanks!  A little lower and to the right....

Crow: Ick....

>but Oscar managed to block the fierce attack, then the person unballed
>itself and made a move similar to Ken's shoryuken,

Tom: He's being attacked by Ryu!

Crow: Or Sakura....

Tom: Or Akuma....

Crow: Or Dan....

Tom: Or Sagat....

Crow: Or....

Joel: Enough, already!

>Oscar too blocked that, The person now tryed to punch him on the face
>but Oscar blocked it and jumped up.

Tom: That's right!  Not only will writing a self-insertion story get you
the women, it'll make you INVINCIBLE!

Joel: Just ask our satisfied customers... Twister, Pat Lee, Crys Shroder,
John Biles....

>Oscar managed to see part of the person from above, it was a woman!.

Crow: And which part would that be?

>Oscar when he came down, he didn't loked the woman there, and felt
>something behind him, it was the woman preparing to land on him with
>a BIG strong fist!

Joel: ...severed from the left arm of Glen Manning!

Crow: <Felicia>  TOGGG!!!

>The woman launched her fist into him but she just traspassed him, IT
>WAS AN ILLUSION, the real Oscar was before her,

Tom: When did this fic turn into F/X?

>and with a light fast punch to the stomach he desabilitated the woman.

Crow: Oscar's vocabulary seems to be improving.

Joel: She's becoming unstable!  She's reaching critical mass!

Tom: <D-Day> It's TNT on PMS!  AHHHH!!!

>The woman held her stomach, and backed up, as she knelt in front of

Crow: <Oscar>  I'M THE GOD!  I'M THE GOD!!!  HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Tom: <Felicia>  Mmmph... I think I'm going to be sick....

Joel: I think a lot of angry Felicia fans will be e-mailing Oscar very soon....

>He then disipated the fog with a punch, he punched up to the air,
>forming an air turrent and disipating the fog. The woman slowly took
>form, Oscar looked at her, and exalted "Huh?!!" IT WAS FELICIA

Joel: Come on, how can Oscar be so stupid as to not realize it was
Felicia attacking him after the way she was obsessing over him earlier?

Crow: I get the feeling Oscar's been ambushed quite a bit.

> Felicia was still hurted for Oscar's light punch, Felicia began crying
>her tears going down from her cheeks.

Joel: <Oscar> Get up, you wuss!  Is that all you've got?!?

Tom: First it was tear ducts in the heads of the Senshi, now it's in the
cheeks of Felicia.  Everyone's a freak in this fanfic!

>Oscar knelt before her, Took her by the shoulders and standing her up,
>he lifted her face looking her straight in the eyes.

Tom: Oscar's moonlighting as a plastic surgeon?

Crow: <Oscar> You are getting sleepy....

Joel: He's engaged her in a staring contest.

>"Felicia what is wrong?" Said Oscar, "Oscar.....why did you do this to
>me?" Said Felicia still crying,

Tom: Well, I could be wrong but attacking him just *might* have had
something to do with it....

>Oscar shrugged "What i did to you? i didn't do nohing!"

Joel: <Oscar>  But I didn't do *nothing* either....

>Felicia then said "I like you Oscar...Don't you?" Oscar Blinked "Well

Crow: <Oscar> I want everyone to like me, not just myself!

Tom: Oscar makes Kunou and Mikado look self-conscious....

>Felicia said "But what? Artemis isn't it?" Oscar sighed "Yes....Sorry Felicia...."

Joel: Y'know, it's funny but Oscar's showing he has some principles by
sticking with Artemis.  It may be bizarre but Oscar must really care for
him if he's rejecting Felicia....

Tom: Well, bully for him.

Crow: This is REALLY starting to sound like Ranma 1/2 now.

Joel: Yeah, all he needs is a few more suitors and he's set.

Tom: I don't think anyone else is willing to chase Oscar... at least I
hope not.

>Felicia then said "But it's just that....i like you so much!" Oscar then
>hugged Felicia "Now now Felicia....i'm not the only man in this
>world.....you WILL find better men,

Tom: Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....

Crow: Maybe even sooner than that!

>and men that aren't Hermaphrodites....oops" Felicia looked at Oscar and
>said "Hermaphrodite? you're an herm.?" Oscar blushed "Yes..."

Joel: The moment of truth... Will she reject him because of the cruel trick
nature played on him?  Or will she look beyond his bizarre genitalia and
see the true person within?

Tom: <sighs> Joel, this is a self-insertion fic, remember?  Truth has no
meaning here....

>Felicia then said "I don't care....i just LOVE you!"

Tom: See?  Told you so!

Joel: Sorry, I forgot who was writing this.

Crow: It's love at second sight!

>Oscar breathed hard

Crow: <Lloyd Bridges>  By this time my lungs were aching for air!

>"Felicia....you have to find another man....i don't think we would make it"

Tom: But, since this *IS* a self-insertion fic....

>Felicia then looked at Oscar straight in the eyes "I will try....but i'm not
>sure....i mean look at me, i'm afreak" Oscar smiled "No you're not,

Joel:  You're ordinarily challenged!

Crow and Tom:  <singing>  He's a superfreak!  The kind you don't take home
to mother....

>i'm a herm. and i have passed the last 11 years facing lots of humiliations but
>now that i'm 14 i don't get such comments"

Crow: So what happened between the ages of 0-3?  And what's stopping
people from commenting on him now?

Tom: These and many other questions to hopefully never be answered in
any future parts of Sailor Moon Z....

Joel: We're seeing Oscar's sensitive side now....

>Felicia showed him her body, incuding her tail

Tom: Subtle, isn't she?

Crow: <Oscar>  Okay, you've convinced me.  I'll ditch the furball
and meet you in the bedroom in five minutes!

>"But won't this scare the guys off?" Oscar looked at her and said "I don't
>think someone would care for that, not even the stupidest person would care
>for such minor things"

Tom: <Oscar> By the way, your breath stinks and you need a shower.

>Felicia Smiled and said "Thanks Oscar" She hugged him, and Oscar said
>"Sooo want me to walk you home?" Felicia giggled "No thanks, i'll go
>alone, thanks" She waved goodbye and then she parted.

Crow: <Oscar>  Hey, you didn't thank me again!  Thanks for nothing!

Tom: Well, let's recap the fanfic so far... Felicia's in love with Oscar
and... uh... Felicia's in love with Oscar and she... uh... um... she fell
in love with him right away and... uh... that's it!

Crow: What about the lesbian sub-plot with Lita and Min... oh, *we*
made that up... heh... sorry.

Joel: Oh!  You forgot about Oscar briefly sleeping with Artemis at one

Tom: I almost did, Joel, before you *REMINDED* me, thank you very

>Oscar too went to his home. Artemis was a little worried for Oscar, but
>Oscar returned just in time,

Tom: ...to catch Artemis with Mina in bed.

Crow: <Artemis>  Oh no!  It's the freak!  Quick Mina, get in the closet!

Joel:  <sung to "Harvey the Wonder Hamster">  Oh, Oscar! Oscar!  He loves
writing Oscar!  He is so great and he is so bold, when god made him, he broke
the mold!  Oscar, Oscar, Oscar the Hermaphrodite!  HAIL OSCAR!!!

Tom and Crow: ....

>Artemis heared someone opening the front door, and instantly recognized
>Oscar's smell

Tom: <snickers> This one's almost too easy.

Crow: <Artemis>  Hmm... Meow mix, wet fur, fresh pee, and a touch of
catnip... yep, that's Oscar all right.

>"How did everything went?"

Crow: <Oscar>  Everything goes good!

>Artemis asked Oscar, as he smiled. Oscar looked down and smiled too

Joel: Oscar and Artemis: Proud graduates of the Nuku Nuku school of smiling.

Tom: Applications available at: http://www.sterman.org/

>"Very well, that guy wasn't a match for me!" Artemis smiled "Hu hu, and
>who was this guy?"  Oscar blinked "Oh it was some loser from school, you
>know envy and stuff.

Joel: Oscar's legions of fans show up at any time in the day or night!

>Well lets get to sleep"

Tom: Sleep?  Didn't the fight start at 7pm?  They've got school in less
than two hours!

Crow: Who says they're going to bed early to sleep?


Joel: I can't believe you went there, Crow....

Crow: I know, sometimes I scare myself.

>Artemis went into the bedroom and into the bed sheets, as well did
>Oscar, and they doze off to sleep.

Crow: <Mina>  Uh... Artemis... Honey?   Uh... I'm still in the closet,
Artemis... Can I come out now please?  This latex outfit is getting all

Tom: Okay!  That's it!  It's one thing to plunge repeatedly through a
table and it's another to have hollow shoulders and I can even accept
a letter being below someone's feet!  But sleeping *inside* bedsheets....!?!

Joel: Maybe he's a ghost?

Tom: Heh.  That figures since he's come back to haunt us....

>The next day, Oscar and Felicia were in the classroom. Oscar turned,
>and saw Felicia who was paying attention to the tech.

Crow: <tech>  Standby!  Ready to roll and record in 5 seconds, 15 seconds
from now....

>Oscar blinked, and tought "Hmmm seems that she has found someone
>else...good" The teacher went to Oscar's desk while he was looking at

Joel: <Oscar> Uh, the bright side of life?

Tom: <Oscar> Sorry, ma'am!  I was just looking at a pussy!

Joel: Tom....

>Oscar heared this, and shrugged with a worried look on his face he
>slowly turned to the tech.

Crow: <tech>  Don't distract me now, you weirdo!  IS THE FLOOR

>"Y-Yes?". Everyone then teased him by saying "He he he.....Felicia!

All: <singing> ...SITTING IN THE TREE!  K..I..S..S..I..N..G!

>Oscar blushed and said under his breath "Losers".

Tom: <Oscar>  They seem to have forgotten that this is MY
self-insertion story.  Heh heh heh....

>Then recess came, Oscar, Serena, Rei, Mina, and Amy, sat in their
>usual spot,

All: TOGGG!!!

Joel: ...in the middle of the table.

Tom: I still want to know when recess was introduced to high school....

>Oscar noticed, that Felicia and Lita weren't there, "Hmmm where could
>they be?" he said with a Happosai type face.

Crow: Oh, that's much better than Times New Roman.

Tom: Why would his face be like Happosai?  Is he lusting after the other

>Serena then said "Oh Oscar, Lita and Felicia are with they new
>boyfriends!" Oscar smiled, "Alright!".

Tom: <Oscar>  Two less girls to chase after me!

Crow: I shudder to think of Serena and Oscar ever getting it on... though
that might explain the origins of Chibi-usa a little better....

>Rei grinned "Hmm that's one thing you couldn't even get if your life
>depended on it!" Serena glared at Rei "Look who's talking! Little

Tom: Kodachi?

Crow: B-ko?

>They started one of their classic Tounge matches.  Oscar looked at
>those 2 fight "He he he....guess somethings never change!"

Tom: Yep, as long as lemon fanfiction exists, they'll always be scenes
of Serena and Rei frenching each other....

Crow: Hallelujah!

>Amy had a Math book, in her left hand, while in her right she held
>the Rice mound, she was eating.

Joel: <announcer>  Little does Amy know, we've secretly replaced her
rice mound with a piece of styrofoam.  Let's watch....

>Oscar took a little walk in the school yard, to pass the food when he
>suddenly saw Lita with some guy, Oscar stopped and looked at the

Tom: You know Oscar, it might be wise to invest a *cupple* of bucks into
a spellchecker....

>"Hmm guess he's Lita's new Boyfriend, Hey...but he's not from this
>school....nah who cares" he tought And just walked away. Lita was with
>her boyfriend,

Crow: <Lita>  Look everyone!  Doesn't he remind you of my old boyfriend?

>"Umm and what do you want to become, when you finish college?" She

Joel: A lumberjack?

Tom: Successful?

Crow: The owner of a previously owned coffin business?

(Joel and Tom stare at Crow.)

Crow: What?

>"Umm i dunno, but a fanfic critic is not one of my best" He said.

Crow: Suds-kun is her new boyfriend?

Tom: Wow, I wonder how many tea kettle's this fic would get?

Joel: I dunno but I think a Dead Ryouga would be included.

>"Oh Kogi...."

Crow: Grab the picnic basket, Poo-poo!"

>Lita said, and tought "I hope he doesn't break my heart like my ex".

Joel: Face it, Lita... You're just not *freddy* for a long-term relationship.

>Felicia was waiting for her boyfriend, in a bench, he eventually got in
>time "Felicia! puff!" the guy said as he reached where Felicia was

Crow: Lita's dating a magic dragon who lives by the sea?

Tom: <Lita>  You know, you shouldn't smoke while you run....

>"Hi" she responded, "Sorry if i'm late, i had some business to finish in
>the other school" The guy said. (Note Lita and Felicia's BF are guys
>from another school, and when they come here, they are in recess too

Crow: No, it's not ok.  We insist you stop the fanfic and explain it to
us in detail.  Now.

Joel: Do we really have a choice?

>Felicia smiled and took his arm "So, how've ya been?" Felicia said, trying
>to make some conversation, "Oh well, The tech's are assholes,

Crow: <tech>  Is that so?!  Well, let's see how well you do without your
key light, smartass!

>some guy at the school is a nerd, the usual,

Joel: Looks like Melvin likes to visit other schools during recess too.

>and u?" Felicia blinked "Well a little hard, to go thru life cuz i'm a

Crow: <Felicia>  Not to mention all the people drawing ecchi pics of me
with John Talbain and posting them on the net....

Tom: Better Talbain than Oscar....

>but seems that you don't care for that"

Tom: <boyfriend>  You're right.  You're boring the hell out of me.
Can we make out now?

>She smiled and hugged him "That's one good thing of you...Kuro".
>Kuro blushed and caressed her hair "You too Feli..". Lita came along,
>and when Kuro saw her, he said "Ummm Felicia let me bring you
>something to drink ok? just a minute" Felicia "Ok!"

Crow: <Felicia>  OK!  I'll just stand here like a moron while you run
away from Lita for whatever reason!

Joel: She didn't see Lita yet, Kuro did.

Tom: Either way, at least the plot's finally branching out a bit....

>Kuro runned into the cafeteria, as Lita got where Felicia was "Hiya Felicia,
>how're you doing with your BF?"

Crow: Back Flogger?

Tom: Big Flamer?

Crow: Bong Filler?

>Felicia smiled and looked at her  "Fine, he just went ot bring me some ice tea"
>Lita then asked "Um by the way, have you seen Kogi?" Felicia went-wide eyed
>"Who?" Lita replied "Kogi, he's my BF"

Crow: Blood Fiends?

Tom: Brute Force?

Joel: Bone Fighter?

>Felicia shrugged "Nope sorry" Lita frogned

Tom: Lita *what*?

Crow: Frogned?  Is that the materia in Final Fantasy VII that turns you
into a frog?

Joel: She's already wearing green, why make it harder on herself?

>"I can't find him....Well c'ya! good luck eh?" Lita left her there.

Joel: <Lita>  I'm taking off, you hoser!

Tom: <Lita>  Come up and see me in Canada when you get a chance, eh?

Crow: Do Canadians really talk like that, Joel?

Joel: Hell no.

>"Bye!"  Felicia yelled, When Kuro saw Lita leaving he got out of the
>cafeteria, and went to Felicia's side "Oh Kuro, Lita just passed, thanks"

Crow: Passed what?  An exam?  Out?

Joel: A kidney stone?

Tom: Gas?

>She said as Kuro handed her the Glass of tea. "Oh that big girl?" Kuro
>asked Felicia, "Yes she has some strenght!" Felicia responded.

Tom: She took down Godzilla and the WWF, how much more strength
does she need?

Crow: Wasn't Felicia described at the beginning of this fic as a big girl, too?

>Kuro sighed "You can say that again"

Crow: Wasn't Felicia described at the beginning....

Tom: Save your breath, Henny.

>Felicia raised a eyebrow and said "Huh? What was that?" Kuro inmediately
>looked back at Felicia "Oh nothing, don't mind me".

Tom: <Kuro>  My mind was just on Lita's breasts... Uh! I mean Pita
breads!  Yeah, some nice loaves of fresh Pita bread would be great about
now... heh....

Crow: <Felicia>  Nice cover up!  I give it a 7.8 for artistic merit and
a 3.2 for delivery....

>The day went on,

Crow: And on, and on, and on....

Tom: Much like this fanfic, it keeps going and going....

Joel: Cue the pink bunny!

>Felicia kept paying attention to the tech.

Crow: <tech>  Okay, honey, can you give me a mike check
please?   Good, okay now look towards the camera for second so I can
adjust the focus... Okay, that's good.  Thank you for your cooperation.

>Oscar felt good cuz Felicia had founded someone else. at 4:10 again
>everyone left the school, the whole gang was in the sidewalk chatting
>about school stuff,

Tom: <students>  Okay guys,  After we've taken over the school
and force some prozac into the teachers, this will be our demands...
Number one:  We demand shorter school hours at reasonable times of
the day!  Number two: We lose the freaks permanently!  Number three:
We go to America and lay siege to USA Today for that idiotic anime

>Lita then sayed "Ho boy, my BF is just the greatest!,

Joel: Breakfast Flakes?

Tom: Belly Flop?

Crow: Butt Fuc....

Joel: DON'T even think about it, Crow.

Tom: No wonder Lita's so excited!

Joel: <groans>

>his name is Kogi"  Everyone looked at her and asked "Why?" Lita responded

Joel: <Lita>  Uh... because that's what his parents named him?

>"Well he's tall he's strong, has a cute face, nice hair, and.....He looks like
>my ex-boyfriend"

Crow: Gee, we never saw THAT coming, did we?

Tom: Something tells me Lita's going to have those words etched on her

Joel: Thank god for Dying Fire.

>Everyone fell (Sailormoon style) POOOOWW!.

Crow: Sailor Moon style?  Is that when they expose their panties?

>Oscar, Artemis, Amy and the others slowly stood up "Oh man...." Rei
>said as she looked at Lita.

Tom: <Rei>  You are one hot babe, Lita!

>Lita looked at everyone stand up, and had a Bewildered look on her face,
>"What's wrong?" She asked

Crow: Other than you full-blown obsession with your ex-boyfriend?
Not much.

>"Ne-Nevermind!" Said Artemis.

All: <singing>  HELLO... HOW LOW... HELLO... HOW LOW....

Tom: We're still waiting for this fic to entertain us.

>After they stood up, Felicia said "Well me too!

Joel: <Felicia>  I look like Lita's ex-boyfriend too!

>his name is Kuro" Oscar heared this and patted her shoulder

Tom:  <Oscar>  Hmm... sounds hollow.

>"Glad that you finally found someone...nice going!" he made a
>thumbs-up sign.

Crow: <Oscar>  Japan A-OK!

Tom: Who knows where that thumb has been?

Joel: Don't go there, Tom....

>Everyone got home in time, Oscar when he got home, Artemis jumped
>down from his shoulder. The week went on,

Joel: <Gary Shandling>  Okay, a week has just passed....

>as Felicia and Lita kept dating their BF's,

Tom: Beer Foam?

Crow: Blue Fish?

Joel: Skinners?

>And Oscar was free from Felicia's claws,

Crow: No pun intended.

>Then, in saturday Felicia went to the park, where Kuro would meet her,
>Lita was also there, but in another place,

Joel: How can she be there and in another place at the same time?

Crow: There *are* other fanfics with Lita out there, Joel.

Tom: Alternate universes.  Gotta love em.

Crow: Not this one I don't.

>she was with Kogi. They went nearer and nearer where Felicia was,
>and Felicia noticed someone aproach, Kogi noticed Felicia from a
>distance and inmediately backed up "What's wrong?" Lita asked
>worried, as Kogi had a scared look on his face

Joel: <Kogi>  I don't wanna facefault when she tells me about her
old boyfriend, it hurts!

>"No-Nothing lets just go this way" he turned back and went the other way,
>Felicia followed them, as she came in closer, "Kuro?" Felicia asked,

Tom: Uh oh....

Crow: Looks like somebody's been doing some two-timing....

Joel: Is he nuts?!?  Cheating on a girl that defeated Godzilla and another
catgirl that fights Darkstalkers for a living?!?

Tom: And this year's stupidest person of the year award goes to... KURO!

>Lita turned back and saw Felicia "Oh hi Felicia! this is Kogi, who i talked you
>about last monday"

Joel: <Felicia>  Hey!  He reminds me of my *current* boyfriend!

>Kogi hid his face from Felicia,

Crow: Exactly where is he hiding it?

Tom: I can think of a nice place....

Joel: Her shoulder?

Tom: Uh, right!

>"Kogi say hi, c'mon" Lita said as she shook him Kogi weakly said "Hi..."
>Felicia heared his voice and said "Hey i know that voice"

Crow: <Felicia> And it ain't Dr. Claw!

Tom: Kogi better hope his life insurance is paid up because he's about to
get a lynching that'll make Lum's seem pale by comparison.

Joel: Too bad Kogi isn't the star of this self-insertion fic....

>Lita blinked "Huh?" Felicia Said "Hmmm Kuro hasn't showed up, he said
>he would meet me here at this hour...." Kogi said to Felicia, still hiding
>his face from her "Don't worry, he'll come"

Crow: He's practically there already!

Tom: Come on, surely Felicia's seen his face and made the connection
by now....?

>Felicia kept thinking "I know that voice...but nah! he couldn't be"

Crow: <Felicia>  My boyfriend hides his face in my neck, not between
my breasts....

>And then said "Ok, C'ya!" She said as she left. Lita then turned to Kogi
>"Well lets continue"

Joel: <Lita>  ...to pretend that you didn't try to hide your face from Felicia
for some strange reason or that something fishy is going on behind my

Tom: <shaking his head> I don't believe this... Oscar's reduced Felicia
and Lita's intelligence to the size of a peanut....

Crow: <Chico Marx>  Peannnnnnnnuts... to you, Oscar!

>Kogi and Lita kept walking on the park's sidewalk.

Joel: Because, you see, that's what you do on a sidewalk....

>Felicia was still waiting for Kuro, but after 20 mins. she gave up hope,
>and went with Lita.

Joel: <Felicia>  Okay, Lita, I've been stood up so you're my date for today!

Tom: <Felicia>  Say Lita, why did your boyfriend hide from me like that?

Joel: <Lita>  I don't know, maybe he's shy or something?  Why did you
think you heard his voice?

Tom: <Felicia>  I dont know, I guess there are a million voices in the
world that could sound like Kuro's....

Crow: Maybe Lita's in on it.  You ever think of that?

Tom and Joel: Hmmm....

>Lita and Kogi where in a bench, chatting,

Joel: <Lita on IRC>  *** Sailor Jupiter changes topic to "When
do you think the freak will catch on?"

Crow: <Kuro>  Felicia's such a moron!  She still thinks I'm interested
in her....

Joel: <Kuro>  Hey Lita, check this out!

*** Kuro is now known as Kogi

Joel: <Kogi>  Look!   Now I'm a completely different boyfriend!

Tom: <Lita>  Hahaha!  :)

Crow: <Kogi>  Now watch this!

*** Kogi is now known as Felicia

Crow: <Felicia> Hmmm Kuro hasn't showed up, he said he would meet me
here at this hour... D'UH!!!

Tom: <Lita>  ROTFLMAO!!!

>Felicia saw them from a distance, Kogi got closer to Lita and finally kissed
>her mouth to mouth.

Joel: Because, you see, that's what you do when you kiss....

>Felicia saw the scene and She looked horrified as She saw Kuro kissing

Tom: If Felicia hasn't caught on by now, I'm outta here.

>Felicia went to the bench where they were sittening, with a furious look, she
>eventually got there,

Crow: <Felicia>  *gasp*  *wheeze*  W... who's brilliant idea was it
to put the benches *wheeze* ten miles apart from one other, anyway?!?

>Kogi looked at her and gasped "Fe-Felicia!!" He said after parting from
>Lita's mouth,

Tom: Parting saliva is such sweet sorrow.

>Felicia still had the furious look and slapped him fiercely on the

Tom: I wonder what kind of slap it was?

Joel: Oscar said it was a fierce slap.

Tom: Yeah, but a *Fierce* slap is where Felicia uses two hands. I think
she used a *Strong* slap....

Crow: Maybe it was a *Jab* slap?

>Time literaly freezed that moment, Felicia with her strong paw, Kogi/Kuro
>hurted by the hit,and Lita Exalted by the scene.

Tom: <Lita, singing>  Glo-o-o-o-ria!

Crow: Does Oscar have ANY idea what *exalted* means?

Joel:  Oscar doesn't even know what *frogned* means.

>"You bastard!!!!" Said Felicia with her teeth clenched and her fist
>heavily closed,


Joel: What, they killed Kenny?

>"How could you do this to me Kuro!!!??" Lita gasped "Kuro? but aren't
>you Kogi?!" Kogi/Kuro said "i-I can explain!!!" Lita stood up, "Son of a
>bitch!!! hya"

Crow: <Lita>  take this.  and this.  and some of this.  feel my wrath.

>She punched him in the nose making it bleed.

Joel: Now THAT must have been a *Jab*.

>That Kogi dude was playing with her feelings, At the same time, but
>with diferent names!.

Joel: <Lita>  You bastard!!  Now I'm going to be mooning over
*TWO* of my old boyfriends!!

>Felicia was too Hurted to stay there, she ran off, Lita yelled "FELICIA!
>WHERE ARE YOU GOING! WAIT!" , Kuro/Kogi was still hurted for
>those 2 hits they made him.

Crow: Oh no!  Dr. Thinker's using ESP to invade the fanfic!

Tom: I'd rather read a fanfic by Dr. T than Oscar's any day.

Joel: Come on, Tom, it hasn't been all that bad, has it?

Crow: Ehhh....

>Lita slapped him one last time and left, walking, Kogi/Kuro was left
>there in the bench all alone.

Tom: But he'll make his return later this fall in the upcoming fanfic by
Flashman: *DUO* starting Kogi/Kuro as himself!

Joel: Watch the fun as Kogi lands a date with one of the Dominon
Puma Twins!  But which twins are dating whom?  Read *DUO* and
find out!

Crow: *DUO*  Because three's company but two's a crowd.

>Oscar was in his room Watching some recorded Ranma1/2 episodes with
>Artemis, when it was 7:33 pm.

Joel: <Oscar>  Hmm... ninety minutes till I have to go to school... I think
I'll take a nap.

Crow: Oh goodie.  I was wondering when we'd get back to Oscar.

Tom: Think those tapes he's watching are fansubs?

>when the tape finished, Oscar stood up and stretched, and said
>"Artemis....ahummmm i wanna take a walk, And i'm gonna return late
>ok? so you don't wait me"  Artemis was side layed on the bed, and
>smiled at Oscar "Ok," he yawned.

Crow: Side layed?

Joel: Just... let it pass, Crow.  It's too sick to think about....

Tom: <Artemis>  Oh, I won't wait you, Oscar... I'll be too busy
having Mina wait on me....

Crow: Don't you mean... Mina's *weight* on me?

Tom: Heh heh heh....

>Oscar putted on his shirt, jeans, and tennis,

Crow: With all the *putting* that's been going on in this fanfic, you'd think
he'd put on a *golf*.

Tom: Oscar's planning to go all the way at Wimbleton... provided he ever
picks up a racket and actually PLAYS a game of tennis!

>he left the house. He was worried about something....something he couldn't
>excactly pin down,

Joel: <Oscar>  My undies!  I forgot them!

Crow and Tom: Joel!

Joel: Heh.  You can dish it out but you can't take it, eh?

>his mind was racing on why he was worried. "Oh...It's been pretty strange
>lately" He said to himself as he was in a lonely sidewalk.

Crow: <Oscar>  Damn it!  I keep forgetting about the wet cement here!

>He turned around the corner, he had his face looking down, and when he
>looked straight, there she was Felicia under a lightpost, lonely and sad.

Tom: Jimmy Durante, eat your heart out.

Joel: When did this turn into the boulevard of broken dreams?

Crow: All we need now is some rain....

Tom: To add dramatic effect and deepen the mood?

Crow: No, so the fanfic will be called on account of it.

>Oscar tought "Huh? Felicia here?" He got closer and said "Felicia" She
>then looked at him, and with a weakly voice said "Oscar....waaahhh"
>She began crying, and went ot his side, Oscar hugged her, and parted her
>off him by her shoulders "What happened?!" Oscar asked Felicia, worried
>about her

Tom: Oscar always did have a soft spot for cats....

Crow: And cats always had a wet spot for....

Joel: Crow!

>"Kuro....he...he was with Lita!! waaahh" Oscar gasped "NANI!? i mean

Joel: <Oscar> Almost let my Japanese accent slip out....

Crow: So he's been talking in English the whole time?

>with Lita? i tought Lita had already a boyfriend" Felicia looked at him,
>with tears roling down her cheeks

Tom: <Felicia>  What?  I can't understand you!  Speak Japanese!

>"Yes...but...Kuro is Kogi! he played with us all along!!"

Crow: ...for fools, that is.

Joel: <Kuro>  A few games of mahjong never hurt anyone....

>Oscar turned his face to the side and with a Worried look he tought "Oh

Tom: You devil?

Crow: <Oscar>  Oh God!  Now she's going to start chasing after me

>Felicia still cring said to him "Please...help me..." Oscar looked down to
>Felicia "How?"

Joel: <Alien infested woman>  KILL ME... KILL... ME....

Crow: Why is he looking down at... oh man!  She's on her knees again?!?

>She responded "Please...make me forget him.."

Tom: Use the shampoo bottle labeled 911, Felicia!

Crow: No, use Belldandy's mind erasing trick!!

Joel: Bash yourself over the head repeatedly with a hammer and pray
for brain damage!!!


>Oscar gasped "Huh? Are you sure? with me?" Felicia hugged Oscar
>softly "Yes...only with you it'll be alright"

Tom: Because, you see, sleeping with another guy as soon as possible
after a break up is the *only* way for a girl to forget him....

Crow: I wonder who's helping Lita forget....?

Joel: In this fic?  Probably Freddy.

>Oscar gulped and closed his eyes

Joel: Well, thank goddess for Oscar's eternal devotion to Artemis or he
might have taken advantage of poor Felicia when she's feeling vulnerable
and lonely....

>"Very well then..." Felicia weakly smiled as she parted from Oscar.

Joel: NANI!?!?!

Crow: <rolling his eyes> So much for staying true to the one you love....

Tom: In the end, Oscar chose one pussy over another....

Joel: <outraged> B-but he's supposed to love... and he's dedicated to
being with... Why, that slimy... Okay, that's it!  I officially *HATE*
Oscar now!  I hate him!

Crow: (pats Joel on the back) Welcome to the club, brother.

>Oscar walked Felicia home, when they arrived, Felicia got off her
>clothes, and was only in her remaining fur. Oscar went-wide eyed,

Tom: <Oscar>  She reminds me of my old boyfriend!

>after they got ot her room, they sat on the bed. Felicia was a little
>nervous, but all of her stress went off, as Oscar caressed her hair,

Joel: <Oscar>  Oh, Artemis... UH, I mean Felicia!  Felicia!

Crow: Exactly *where* was the hair that Oscar was caressing?

Tom: You're a sick cookie, Crow....

>Felicia layed on the bed. He looked her straight in the eyes, as Oscar
>got closer and kissed her passionately, she felt completely absorved by
>the kiss, she never felt this good on her life.

Tom: At least until she discovers catnip.

>Oscar's right hand went south caressing all of Felicia's part along the way,
>and reached her pussy, her nipples hardened instantly and were visible, He
>began stroking her pussy.

Crow: Hey, he's stroking a pussy's pussy!

Joel: Crow....

Tom: Are you going to keep repeating our names during this scene, Joel?

>He then parted from Felicia's mouth, as he now started licking her large firm
>breasts, while massaging them with his left hand, he kept stroking her wet
>virgin pussy, and Felicia moaned and her breathing came in short gasps,
>with her eyes closed.

Tom: <Felicia>  Tell me when it's over!

>Oscar kept licking her chest, in little circles and reaching her right
>nipple, while a thumb was teasing her left nipple, she let out a loud
>moan "Ahhh...Ughhmmm"

Crow: She sounds like she's about to puke....

>Her pussy was letting out her juice, and Oscar's fingers where being
>soaked by them, he easily darted his finger into her, teasing her pink
>swollen clit. Felicia moaned louder, her aching tits heaving,

Tom: Her breasts finally lost their lunch....

Joel: Can you blame them after being licked by Oscar?

>Oscar then went to her crotch, took his finger out and started to lick
>her outer cunt lips, and eventually worked on into her inner lips.

Crow: <squirming> I like lemons and all but this is even repulsing ME!
I can't take much more of this!

Joel: Well, at least it's not Artemis this time.

Tom: It's still an ego trip, Joel....

Joel: Hey, what self-insertion lemon isn't?

>Her warm juice was filling Oscar's mouth, while he flickered her clit
>with his tounge,

Crow: He flickered and lickered it....

Tom: This is no time for games, Crow.

>she was now spasming, breathing rapidly. Oscar smiled, suddenly Felicia
>sat, and grabbed Oscar by his shirt, unbuttoning it, and taking it off. Oscar
>didn't do nothing to stop her.

Crow: Then he must have done *something* to stop her.

Tom: Oscar using a double negative?  Say it ain't so!

Joel: What about his Tennis?  Does he keep that on when he makes love?

>She then unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them down and revealing unly a
>white undie wich was wet in the 2 genital parts area. Felicia shredded
>Oscar's undies, he blushed as he saw his rock hard cock up, and his
>pussy, all wet and pink

Tom: ARRRRRRRRGH!!!  (Tom's head explodes once more)


Joel: You're probably right.  If anyone *REALLY* wants to see the rest
of the lemon scene, they can visit his website.

Crow: <eyes closed> Yeah, I'm sure they'll be burning up the phone
lines, Joel....

(Joel and the bots close their eyes.  After a little while, Joel risks a

Joel: Okay, it's over guys.

(Tom regains finally consciousness, his broken head smoking and
blackened with soot.  He coughs a few times.)

Tom: <Terminator>  I need a vacation....

>Felicia fell on the bed exhausted, and Oscar layed on her side, gasping
>for air,

Crow: <Lloyd Bridges>  By this time my lungs were aching for air!

Joel: Felicia's breasts must be experiencing dry heaves by now.

>barely staying awake, flat on their backs. "Felicia.....that was marvelous,
>you were purrfect" Oscar said still exhausted,

Joel: <Oscar>  I wrote that!

>"Thanks dear Oscie..." Felicia responded. Oscar then said "But, i can't
>stay...remember that you must never give up, you'll find your true blue
>prince someday..."

All: <singing>  SOMEDAY... SOMEWHERE... SOMEHOW!!!

>Felicia weakly smiled "Ok...Thanks" She eventually fell asleep. Oscar
>got up, after Felicia fell asleep, he putted on his clothes again,

Joel: <singing> Putt Putt for the fun of it!  Putt Putt for the fun of it....

Crow: The heck with Pebble Beach!  Oscar's clothes is the best golf course!

Tom: So Oscar's undies are full of holes?

Crow: Ick!

>and left. Oscar knew that Artemis would notice Felicia's scent and know
>what happened, So he got an idea. He went into some alleys and fought
>fierce street dogs,

Crow: Wha?!?

Tom:  Ladies and Gentlemen, we've just broken the goofy meter!

Joel: Fortunately, Oscar lived within walking distance of Jim Henson's
Dog City....

>so he could get their scent and disipate Felicia's scence.

Joel: Heaven forbid Oscar actually tell Artemis the truth and admit to
satisfying his own lusts....

Tom: Scence?  Sense?  Seance?

Joel: Maybe it's scene?

Crow: This being a self-insertion fic, Oscar removed all traces of his sordid
lemon scene with Felicia, enabling him to take Felicia's virginity over and
over and over again....

Joel: <grimaces> Crow, you're only making it worse....

>"Alright!" He said as he left a pile of dead dogs in an alley.

Crow: The 101 Dalmatians were in the wrong place at the wrong time....

Tom: Oscar makes Cruella look like Snow White!

Joel: Too bad Oscar didn't tangle with the Fierce Street Frogs.  Dr. Slick
could have kicked his ass without breaking a sweat....

>He got home, and when he opened the door, Artemis was asleep. He
>woke up to the smell of something disguisting "Eeww what reeks?" he
>asked to himself,

Tom: <Artemis>  Uh oh... Did I forget to let Mina out of the closet?

>then Oscar entered the room all soiled and stniky

Crow: Maybe he fought some pigs and cows on the way home too?

>"Oh man! what happened?" Asked Artemis still covering his nose
>"Agh i had a little fight with some alley dogs, and you know that they

Crow: Oh yeah, you should smell the dogs after they tangled with Oscar.

Tom: <Artemis>  So you just decided to randomly attack some
dogs for the hell of it?  Okay, that makes perfect sense....

>Artemis said "Ok, but take a shower would you?!" Oscar inmediately
>got to the bathroom, and putted the soiled clothes on the Laundry

All: FORE!

>Artemis doze off to sleep again, as Oscar finished his shower, and went
>with Artemis to sleep. The next monday, Everyone was walking to school,

Joel: <Gary Shandling>  Okay, another week has just passed....

>Lita was still a little depressed for what happened on Saturday,

Crow: <Lita>  I can't believe I slept with Freddy last night... What
was I thinking?!?

>but Felicia was smiling lightly. Oscar looked at Felicia and tought
>"Guess she alreday forgot about the heart break that Kuro left her"

Joel: Actually she's happy because Oscar removed all traces of their lemon
scene from her memory....

Crow: I wish it were that easy for us....

>They all went to school, as another day begun.

Tom: And as long as Oscar's writing this, he'll continue to have fun.


Crow: Oh, man!  We did it!  We survived Oscar for a second time....

Joel: I told you we could do it!  All for one and one for all!
Tom: Easy for you to say, Joel.  *You* didn't lose another two heads!

Joel: Relax, I can fix you up again in no time....

>Well, sorry if i did 2 pages, but the first one couldn't resist all of the
>storie so i had to do it in 2 pages....

Tom: And we had to MST it in 2 parts... That was a dirty trick, Dr. F!

Crow: The first one tried so hard to resist Oscar's fanfic but it was

>sorry if i distracted you in the sex scene....

Joel: *Distracted* isn't the word I would have chosen, Oscar.

Crow: I can think of a dozen I could rattle off right now....

>i tryed to spell check no promises! ^_^

Joel: Is that a promise?

Crow: <Yoda>  Tryed?!  Do or do not!  There is no tryed!

Tom: Get us out of here, Chewy....

* * *


 "So, honestly guys, what did you think of the fanfic?"  Joel asked.

 Tom thought about it for a moment before replying.  "Well, it was
a better effort than the original draft of "Artemis Lover" and it was a HUGE
relief that Oscar didn't include another bestiality scene.  But it was still
pretty bad, IMHO....
 "Just look at the plot, Joel!"  Crow spoke up.  "Felicia falls in love
with Oscar, Lita and Felicia are two-timed by another guy, and Oscar cheats
on Artemis by sleeping with Felicia!  The end!  Not to mention all the time
during the fic when Oscar stroked his own colossal ego... among other things."

 "What did YOU think of the story, Joel!"  Tom suddenly inquired.

  "Actually, this fanfic reminded me of that Fusion Dragonball Z
movie."  Joel remarked.  The one where Goku and Vegita fuse together to
form Gojita.  The entire movie was nothing but build up and at the end...the
final scene lasted a few seconds and that was it.  I will agree with Tom that
the lack of bestiality scenes helped a great deal...."  Joel added.

 "Yeah...."  Crow stretched out his arms as he yawned.  "Well
guys, I don't know about you, but I'm beat.  Those Oscarfics really take it
out of me.  I'm going to take a nap.  What are you guys gonna do?"

 "I have to fix Tom and then I'll probably work on next week's
invention, so you go ahead Crow."  Joel replied as he walked down the hall
towards Tom's room to retrieve another one of the bubbleheads required to
repair the robot....

* * *


 "A nap sounds good about now...."  Frank remarked as his head
remained decapitated on the floor, his body at the far end of the room.
Dr. Forrester-Chan had left him stranded there for the night, having left
after beginning the experiment.

 "This isn't how I planned to get *ahead* in life...."  Frank sighed
as he closed his eyes and used his teeth and tongue to pull the dish towel,
that Dr. Forrester-Chan had been kind enough to give him for a blanket,
up to his nose and soon drifted off to sleep....


(Feel free to hum the closing theme as you read my author's notes.)

IT'S DONE!  Oh, man!  When I found out about Oscar's birthday a week
ago, I knew I had to do something to celebrate the occasion but it's not
easy turning a 9 page single space story into a 80 page MSTing.  I
separated it into two parts to give the reader a chance to take a break if
they wanted and read the second part later.

I hope you liked this story because there's a lot more coming for 1998.
I hope to tackle another lemon or two, The Satellite of Hate will make
a reappearance and they'll be plenty of humorous skits and inventions
among them.  ;)
I'd like to give very special thanks to Jeffrey "Oneshot" Wong, Robin
"Lunari" Seabaugh, and Gary Kleppe who were all very helpful in
giving me C&C and ideas for this MSTing.  I couldn't have finished
this MSTing in a week's time without their help and I can't thank
them enough.  :)

I'd also like to thank Timothy McLees, Luna and Artemis, Chris
Bergstrom, Jay Dee Archer (Jupiter Knight), Michael K. Neylon and
Sakura for being nice enough to post my MSTings on their webpages.  If
there's anyone else I missed, I apologize.

Finally I'd like to wish Oscar a happy birthday and thank him for writing
"That Girl" and giving me permission to MST his works, not to mention
a lot of material to work with.   I hope you're not too offended.  If you are,
feel free to MST my own works, I won't mind a bit.

C&C, as always, is appreciated.  (fcasper@yesic.com)    Feel free to
send in any anime fanfics that you would like to see MSTed and I'll take
a look at it.  Also, if you're interested in seeing any previous episodes
of this series, I'll be happy to e-mail them to you.  ;)


Megane 6.7

P.S. If you haven't had a chance yet, my friend Lunari has just released
a SM fic titled "Dying Fire" featuring Lita.  It is a wonderful story and
if you are interested in reading it, contact her at lunari@sprynet.com
and I'm sure she'll be happy to send a copy to you.  :)

A MSTing for all Seasons
A full archive of all Mystery Science Theater 6.7 episodes, Megane 6.7
fanfiction, and collaborations!

Shizen's Versatile Home Page V3.0
http://svhp.webjump.com/  (Contains links to my MSTings and fanfics)
(Alternate site: http://www.tass.org/fanfic/MST3k/)

Shinji's Vault of Anime MSTings


101- "GAMES" by Artemis  (SM Lemon)
102- "ARTEMIS'S LOVER"  (Original Draft)  by Oscar  (SM Lemon)
103- "SAILOR JUPITER VS. GODZILLA"  by The Flashman
104- "JUDGE BRAINITITE" by Dr. Thinker  (SM Fanfic)
w/short "RANMA 1/2: ACCUSED PT. 1" by Karmin  (R1/2 Fanfic)
105- "THE WAR" by M. Llave  (R1/2 Fanfic)
106- "TRANSITIONS" by Richard Lawson  (Nuku Nuku Fanfic)
107- "HELLRAISERS" (Original Draft) by Aaron Eaton
(La Blue Girl/Overfiend/Original Crossover)
108- "MEN OF BOKKEN" by M. Llave  (R1/2 Fanfic)
(SM/WWF Crossover)
w/short "THE DINNER PARTY" by Chris Curzon  (SM/RL Crossover)
CHRISTMAS" by Dr. Thinker  (SM Christmas Fanfic)

201- "THAT GIRL"  PT. 1-2  by Oscar  (SM Lemon)
202- "VIRGIN WARRIOR SAILOR MOON" by Umino  (SM Lemon)
203- "*R*P*M*" by Flynn  (SM/SPAWN Crossover)
204- "RANKO'S LIFE" PT. 1-2  by Hitomi Ichinohei  (R1/2 Fanfic)
205- "TRAPPED" by Mr_Jazz  (SM Lemon)
206- "OSCAR TOON"  PT. 1-4 by Oscar  (SM/DBZ/WB Crossover)
(Mutiple Crossover Lemon)
208- "A RANMA 1/2 FANFIC" PT. 1-2 by Sheep  (R1/2 Fanfic)
209- "TRIANGLE TANGLE" by CATS  (SM Lemon)
(UY Lemon)

301- "A WET DREAM COME TRUE" by Mike Rhea  (R1/2 Lemon)
302- "TORTURED ECHO" PT. 1-4 by Trakal  (R1/2 Fanfic)
303- "RANMA KILLS!" PT. 1-2 by Sir Asayogure  (R1/2 Fanfic)
304- "OKONOMIYAKI SUMMER" by Mike Rhea  (R1/2 Fanfic)
w/short "UNDER THE MISTLETOE" by Mike Rhea  (R1/2 Fanfic)
by Dr. Thinker  (Pokemon Christmas Fanfic)
306- "9-BALL DREAMS" PT. 1-2 by Mr_Jazz  (SM Crossover Lemon)
307- "WINTER" by Joseph Palmer  (R1/2 Fanfic)
308- "UKYO GETS WHAT SHE DESERVES" PT. 1-2 by R_Vincent
(R1/2 Lemon)


"DIMISIONAL TROUBLE" by Dr. Thinker  (SM Fanfic)
"MOONDUSTED" by Stephen Ratliff  (SM/TNG Crossover)

Shinji's Vault of Anime MSTings

"9 1/2 CHIPMUNKS" by Toon Dreams  (Rescue Rangers Yaoi Lemon)

Lefty's MSTings

(Two interviews with the Ultimate Warrior and '3:16 Rulzs!' by Oracle)

Website Number 9 MSTings

(Ranma 1/2/Eddings/SM Crossover)

"REDHEADS" by Robert Haynie
(Slayers/Ranma 1/2 Crossover)

Gary Kleppe's Comics and Manga Page


Zoogz's Fanfiction and Fandom Page

The Homepage of Jeffrey "Oneshot" Wong

'Suicide Blast' by: Keener
Additional links for Keener's stuff
-- http://tmffa.com/
-- http://www.redrival.com/myrriden/index.html

Flashman's Flash Point


Website Number 9 MSTings

Lord Carnage's Cursed Fanboys Page!

A Sailor Moon Romance

Zen's Fanfiction Page

Webdragon's Lair

Sean Gaffney's Webpage

"How could you do this to me Kuro!!!??" Lita gasped "Kuro? but aren't
you Kogi?!" Kogi/Kuro said "i-I can explain!!!" Lita stood up, "Son of a
bitch!!! hya"

Mystery Science Theater 3000 and its related characters and situations
are trademarks of and (c) 1998 by Best Brains, Inc. All rights

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