(And give yourself a severe case of eyestrain)

(The future isn't what it used to be....)



(A Ranma 1/2 MSTing)

MSTed From the Desk of Megane 6.7

This is a MSTing of a work of fiction created by another author.
Use of copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment
purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or
trademarks held by Best Brains, Inc. is intended or should be inferred.

Any random mention of certain anime characters, song titles, etc. are
the property of their respected creators/distributors/etc.  Just covering
my own ass here folks....

"Ranma 1/2" is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and all the
distributors of her work.
"A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic" is the property of Sheep and he's welcome
to it.  I do not intend to offend him for making fun of his work like this
but I figure it's only a matter of time before someone does.  Think
of this as another form of C&C.  ;)

(Door 6: It slides open on both sides..)

(Door 5: It's made of beads. They explode out towards you, and you
move on..)

(Door 4: It falls toward you, missing your foot by inches.)

(Door 3: It's a castle gate, that rises into the ceiling..)

(Door 2. It's solid black marble. An Akahn floats from behind you and
touches the door. The door vanishes.)

(Door 1: It splits in four ways, twice.)

(Door .7: A beam of golden light erupts from the floor.  You walk into it.)

        Joel emerged from the light into the theater with Tom in his arms,
Crow emerging a moment later and following close behind.  Stepping
over the air grate that prevented Tom from entering the theater on his
own, Joel placed him down on one of the theater seats and sat next to
him, Crow sitting on his right.

Tom: To recap: Bleah.  Any questions?

Crow: No, I think that pretty much sums it up, Tom.

>Kuno thought he saw Ranma, clothes torn and sitting in the alley, but
>denied the seen.

Joel: That's a relief.  Otherwise Kuno would have made a big *seen.*

Tom: Denied the seen?  Is that supposed to be a cryptic statement?

>He didn't think it was Ranma. It was uncomfortable for Ranma to get by.
>He was big and sad.

Crow: Just like this fanfic.

>Shampoo grew quite worried for her so called "Beloved " Ranma.

Joel: Anybody else get the sense Sheep doesn't like Shampoo's claim on

>She had not seen him in a couple of months and afraid if he was gone
>or perhaps dead.

Tom: So everyone basically cut off communication with Ranma and yet
Kuno walks down the street like nothing happened?

Crow: Something tells me Sheep *REALLY* hates Ranma....

Joel: Gee, you think?

>Rumours spread all over town of the ( male ) Ranma lost.

Tom: <Daisuke> Did you hear about Ranma?  I heard he's living on the
street as a bum and no one can recognize her!

Crow: <Hiroshi> Hey!  How come you know this and no one else does?

Tom: <Daisuke> I read the narration, dumb-ass!

>Akane was not the kind of person to actually deal with the situation.

Joel: She just wants to hide in her room until the fanfic is over.

Crow: Can't say I blame her.

>She was totally devastated with the news she heard about the female
>cursed side of him.

Tom: Wow, imagine her reaction when she finds out Ranma's pregnant!

>And also, she was heart broken.

Joel: Translation: She had a heart attack.

Tom: Zing!

>Ryoga came by the Tendo dojo and house quite frequently to visit
>Akane and give her flowers.

Joel: Isn't that cute!  Ryouga's acting like Kuno now!

Crow: Yeah, well, if Ryouga decides to *makes love* to Akane while
she's unconscious, I'm outta here....

>It was really a shock for him, he had found his way around town and
>successfully ended up to a correct destination.

Joel: Too bad that destination was HELL.

>Ryoga's life was brightening up. He had lost his arch rival Ranma and
>received his first love's hand in marriage.

Tom: <Ryouga> LOL!  I'm OOC!  AND I'M LOVING EVERY

>Now, even do in his quite pregnant female form,

Joel: <singing> Love, love me do... You know I love you....

Crow: <Ranma> DRUGS!!!  I NEED DRUGS!!!  NOW!!!  SOMEBODY

Tom: Uh, he's not *THAT* due, Crow....

Crow: Oh, sorry.

>Ranma was not the type to just brush the situation off.

Joel: So he swept it under the carpet.

>He had a crisis on his hands

Tom: A bubblegum crisis!

Crow: That still beats a bubblegum crash.

Joel: You said it.

>and if he didn't break his curse before the child was born, he was surely to

Crow: Lose to whom?  Himself?  Akane?  His family?  Fate?

Tom: Wouldn't breaking the curse kill the child?

Crow: I have a *REALLY* bad feeling about this, Joel....

Joel: Hang in there, Crow.  Let's just see what happens....

>Ukyo, a local Omiyaki pizza cook

Crow: FINALLY!  It's about time she showed up!

Tom: Don't get your hopes up yet, Crow.  Remember everyone in this
fic has been OOC so far....

Crow: Big deal. People get *her* OOC all the time.

>( and one of those people who love Ranma ),

Joel: Oh, *THOSE* people.  Yeah we all know about *THOSE* people....

Tom: What are you talking about?

Joel: I have absolutely no idea.

>found a pale person in the alley.

Crow: Hey, it's Gosunkugi!  He'll save the day!

>Ukyo was taken out the trash when some red hair caught her eye.

>UKYO: Ranma, is that really you? Oh! Ranma, it is you!

Crow: <C-3PO>  Ranma!  It is you!  It is you!

>But, why haven't you changed back to your normal form?

Tom: <Ukyo> And why are you so fat?  Did you swallow a basketball
or what?

>RANMA: Did Ryoga tell you the news?  I can't change back Ukyo.

Crow: <Ukyo> Um, why should you need to change ME back?

>I'm stuck like this until I have the kid. That jackass Kuno did this to me!

Joel: <Ukyo> Ranchan!  What did I tell you about stealing my Viz Video
English Dubbed lines!  Don't make me use my spatula!

>UKYO: Oh Ranma sweetums,

Tom: "Sweetums?" Is she ripping off Kodachi's Viz Video English dubbed
lines now?

>isn't there something I can do? Anything?

Crow: <Ranma> Yeah, knock me out and make love to me!

Joel: Crow....

Tom: <Ranma> Do the words 'child support' mean anything to you?

>RANMA: I wish there was something I can do……

Tom: Sticking with a tense is a good start....

>hmmm……Oh! I have the most fabulous idea! That's it, it'll be perfect!

Crow: <Ranma> An underarm deodorant that doubles as toothpaste!
This will change the world as we know it!

>You do remember Shampoo's grandmother? The old hag,
>I think her name was Calogne or something. Well…..

Joel: Calogne, take me AWAY!

Tom: Oh come on!  Give me a break!  You're saying Ranma doesn't
remember Cologne after all the crap she's put him through?  Did Sheep
give Ranma amnesia or what?

Crow: <Spock>  It would explain a great many things....

>Ranma began to tell the plan.

All: (hum the theme to "The Sting")

>Ukyo began to realize the problem Ranma faced

Tom: <Ukyo> OH MY GOD?!?  YOU'RE PREGNANT!?!?!

Joel: <Ukyo> So the egg is fertilized by the sperm and... oh, wait!  Can
you explain it to me again?

>and cooperated with him on the idea.

Tom: <Ukyo> Of COURSE I'll cooperate in something that's almost
guaranteed to end up with you marrying Shampoo!

Crow: Well, Ukyo's been reduced to a slow witted air head.  Boy, I can't
wait to see how Sheep butchered Cologne's character....

>RANMA: Well, we all know that the old hag is excellent in ancient
>Chinese magic.

Joel: Ancient Chinese magic, huh?  No wonder she's named Calogne....

>Perhaps she can fix me up an antidote or something.

>UKYO: An antidote? How can that fix your pregnancy?

Tom: I was kinda wondering that myself.

Crow: As I'm sure were the readers.  Presuming, of course, there are
any left....

>RANMA: I'm not full girl, remember?

Joel: <Ranma> I'm half man!  Hence the name, Ranma 1/2!  Get it?

>It's the curse that's pregnant.  I can perhaps get rid of the pregnancy
>through my cursed form, and reverse the effect. It's hard to explain,

Tom: Oh no.  Please continue.  You're doing a GREAT job....

>but I'm sure the old hag can think of something. I hope.

>That same very day,

Tom: Meanwhile, in a place other than the one we just finished reading

>Ryoga was inside Shampoo's Chinese restaurant

Joel: As opposed to Shampoo's Pakistani restaurant.

>and talking to Cologne.

Tom: <Ryouga> Can you believe this Sheep jerk!?!  He's turned me into
a real assho... oh!  We're on camera!  Uh... LOL!  That Ranma is
such a loser!  LOL!

>RYOGA: Yeah, I haven't seen Ranma in months. Everybody is talking
>about it. It's really strange you know, Ranma, I assumed he'll at least do
>something about this new engagement.

Joel: Well, if he didn't beat up Kuno for raping him....

>COLOGNE: My son in law has always been a strange boy. However, a
>very unique one to that. That's no wonder my dear great-granddaughter
>Shampoo has chosen him to be her husband.

Crow: Not bad... A little too sweet for my tastes but all in all, not a bad

Joel: So far.

>RYOGA: Well then, if he's your son in law I don't expect him to worry
>about me marrying Akane one bit.

Tom: <Ryouga> I expect him to worry about it a lot!  LOL!!!

>RANMA: That's where your wrong Ryoga!!!

Joel: I wish somebody would go find us the RIGHT Ryoga....

Crow: <Ranma> I ain't no son-in-law to nobody!

>Ranma had burst inside the room. He was dirty as any beggar or
>someone who never had a shower in months would.

All: BE.

>RYOGA: Whew! PU!!

Crow: <Shampoo> Yes? You call?

>Have you been living in a trash can all this time Ranma?!

Tom:  Of course not, you idiot!  I was auditioning for STOMP and I
needed the instruments!

>UKYO: Shutup Ryoga! Old hag, we need an antidote and fast!

Joel: <Cologne> Well, since you asked so nicely, how can I refuse?

Crow: <Cologne>  Yeah, here I go.  Vrroom.

>Cologne couldn't believe her ancient ( prune ) eyes.

Joel: Geez, first Ryouga's fashion sense and now Cologne's appearance.
Sheep's taking pot shots at everybody!

Tom: I heard Cologne's eyes were heavily sought after by Klingons....

>COLOGNE: Oh my, is that really you son in law?


Joel: Hey, nobody EVER notices the red hair, y'know....

Tom: Speaking of blind, I wonder where Mousse is?

>RANMA: That's right old hag! I want to reverse this effect. I'm a man I
>tell ya, I man!!!

Tom: <Ranma> I man.  You hag.  We OOC.

>RYOGA: You sure don't look like one to me. Oh, and how's the pregnancy
>been going? Gonna marry Kuno, Ranma? Have a wonderful wedding

Joel: <Ranma> Nice to see you've kept your sense of humor over the months,

Tom: You know, normally I like Ryouga but he's cruising for a bruising....

>( LOL )

Tom: ENOUGH with the LOL already!

Crow: Just be glad he's not ROTFLHAO....

>Ranma couldn't stand any longer with Ryoga's obscure sarcasim.

Joel: Obscure?  He's practically spelling it out for him!

Crow: Sarcasim?  Boy, that is obscure....

>He slugged him hard in the face

All: YES!!!  WOO HOO!!!

Crow: He's resting comfortably now.

Tom: About dang time Ranma hit somebody!

>and ran to the back room while carrying the quite tiny old lady Cologne
>with him.

Crow: <Ranma> Let's run away together!  Just you and me!

Tom: It's 'All Good Things... ' all over again!

>RANMA: Okay you old hag, give me an antidote! I want to reverse this
>pregnancy. I'm a man, and men are not supposed to be pregnant!

Joel: Just watch 'Junior' if you don't believe him.

Crow: <shudders> I'll take his word for it.

>COLOGNE: Oh, but son in law, look at yourself. You're a girl now.

All: <glare at the screen>

>Even a curse can have effects upon you boy. You can even become
>pregnant in your girl form.  I don't suppose my antidote could work,
>that baby will be due soon.

Tom: <Ranma>  Really?  Gee, I guess I shouldn't have waited so long
to see you.  I wonder why I did?

>RANMA: Come on, there has got to be a way! I can't live like this old
>hag, I just can't! I want to be a man!

>COLOGNE: Then, if I give you the antidote and you change into a man,
>will you promise to marry my Shampoo?

Tom: <singing> Everybody's looking for something....

Crow: <Ukyo> Like hell!  He's going to marry me!  I brought him in when
no one else even noticed he was alive!  Sure it took me months to notice he
was gone but hey, better late than never!

>Ranma raised his ( or her ) eyebrow skeptically.

Joel: <The Rock> You smell what Ranma's cooking?

Tom: <vibrates violently>  RRRRRrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhh....

Crow: Will you *PLEASE* pick a pronoun and stick with it?!?  Don't
make us come down there, Sheep!

>He knew the old hag had this coming. She even begged him to marry
>Shampoo when he was in a jam before. But this was serious. He had two
>delemmas upon himself and he had to fix it fast.

Tom: One: How to end this fic.  Two: How to spell "dilemma."

>SHAMPOO: Neehow!

All: And how!

>What you doing great grandmother?

Crow: <Cologne>  Blackmailing Son-in-law.  Yourself?

>COLOGNE: Oh Shampoo, I think this'll be a glorious chance of a life
>time for you!

Joel: Now she sounds like a commercial for a tourist trap....

Tom: <Cologne> See Jusenkyou again... for the first time... then see it
again as a duck... then a pig... then a panda....

>Ranma has no choice now to marry you in exchange for a curing antidote!

Tom: Is there any other kind?

>SHAMPOO: Ai Lin! Oh, I'm so happy! Ranma, is true?

Crow: <Lili Von Shtupp>  Is twue!  Is twue!

Tom: Aiya!  Then Shampoo have answer!  Shampoo walking on air!

Crow: Okay, if spouse is ai ren, what's ai lin mean?

Joel: Um, I got the dictionary right here, let's see... it says a coppice or

Tom: And she wants to marry THAT?

>RANMA: I just can't!

Joel: <Ranma> Everyone else is OOC, I've got to at least TRY and act
like myself!  For the sake of the readers!

>Old hag, is there something else you can do?

Tom: <Cologne> Well, there's always adoption.

Crow: <Ranma> You mean, you'll adopt my baby?!?

Tom: <Cologne> Sure... if you marry my Shampoo!

Crow: <Ranma> D'oh!


Joel: Huh?


Tom: Uh... a cross between Kunou and Ranma-Chan?  Just a guess....

Crow: I'm guessing he'd or she'd be bald at first....


Tom: The hell?!?

Joel: Trivia question?  Now?

Crow: Well, this fic HAS raised a lot of questions....

>1.Would the baby look more like Ranma or Kuno? What will his or
>her's name be? Would the baby have a Jusinkyo curse?

Tom: To be honest, I really hadn't thought about it....

Joel: I don't wanna get pedantic or anything here, but seeing that the
answer's not found anywhere in the source material, it's not trivia.

Crow: Wouldn't it be better to raise these issues during the plot of the
fanfic rather than bluntly ask them here?

Joel: Maybe Sheep's stuck for ideas?

>2.How can Ranma have the baby? Cesarian or naturally? Think about it,

Crow: I'd *REALLY* rather not, thank you.

Joel: Try http://www.execpc.com/~kleppe/fanfic/preranma.txt

Tom: Kuno had nothing to do with that one.

Crow: Yeah, and good thing, too.

>he's having the kid in his girl form. You be the judge.

Joel: Guilty!  Next case!

>Okay, back to the story..

Tom: Today's trivia question was brought to you by Sheep!  Let's
give him a big hand... around his throat as we SQUEEZE FOR ALL

Joel: Woah!  Calm down, Tom!

Tom: <sobbing> It hurts, Joel... It hurts real bad....

Joel: Stay frosty....

>COLOGNE: It won't be any good since Ryoga is going to marry Akane.

Crow: What won't be any good?  I'm lost....

Joel: It must not have been important or Sheep would included it
in his trivia question....

>RANMA: No, this cannot be! That's ridiculous! Ryoga's lying! That
>jackass jerk, he's lying!

Tom: *CLANG!!!*  *RIP*


>For the first time, both Cologne and Shampoo saw Ranma crying.

Crow: Aww....

Tom: I feel your pain, Ranma... believe me....

Joel: <Ranma, sobbing> I'm a g-girl right now... It's... It's okay to cry...
when I'm a girl....

Crow: Unless Akane beats his male form in arm-wrestling.  Then he
cries like a baby....

>RANMA: I need the antidote old hag! And it's awfully difficult to make
>any rash decisions in a state like this.

Tom: <Ranma> But in the interest of ending this fanfic ASAP, I'll
agree to your terms!

>I promise that I'll give an answer once I turn back and reverse this effect.

Crow: <Ranma> The answer will be no, of course, but I'll won't
tell you that until the effects are reversed....

>Cologne took a long time for her decision.

All: <hum the theme to Jeopardy>

>She wanted her so called " future son in law " to turn back but also marry
>her great granddaughter Shampoo.

Joel: <Cologne> What to do... what to do... Hmmmmmmmm....

Tom: Boy, the suspense is just killing me... My goosebumps have
goosebumps... My pulse is racing faster than molasses in January, I tells

Crow: <imitating buzzer> Time's up!  Your answer, please!

>COLOGNE: Very well, here son in law. Drink the entire gord.

Joel: <Cologne> You can't have the antidote but you can finish
off this homemade gin for me....

>The effect of the antidote shall reverse the pregnancy and turn you back
>into a man.

Crow: And just how will it do that?

Tom: Shrinkage.

Crow: Ah....


Tom: Oh no....

>1.Okay you all, listen up!

Crow: <whimpering> Make it stop, Joel... Make it stop....

>As you probably might have known from Shampoo's great grandmother
>bribing Ranma on marriage deals in the past,

Tom: Okay!  Wait a minute!  Wait just a cotton picking MINUTE!  Up
until now, Sheep's written this entire fanfic as if he expects the reader to
know absolutely NOTHING about Ranma 1/2 and *NOW* he expects us to
remember past events in the series?!?

Joel: I think Sheep needs some Sleep....

Crow: Heh.  Or he's been taking some LS Deep....

>do you think the antidote will work? Let's think about that one for a sec.

All: Hmmm... nope!

>Remember, record your answers on a sheet, or type it and send it to this
>web site that you found this story in.

Tom: Oh okay, I'll just drop all my homework and get right to work on
this *challenging* puzzle....

Crow: Dear Sheep, I think the antidote will work because Ranma is a cool
guy and he deserves it.  Sincerely, Ranma Fan.  PS Your fic sucks.

>Now back to the story.

Tom: Oh poop.  I wanted more questions.

Crow: To hell with the story!  The trivia questions are the most interesting
thing about this fanfic....

>Ranma opened the gord without delay,


>he took one humungus gulp and the gord was empty in less than a minute.

Crow: Watch out 7-11.

>Cologne grabbed a nearby kettle and dumped the hot water on Ranma's head.
>Ranma had changed back to a man instantly!

Tom: And yet, he was still bloated and had a strange craving for pickles and
ice cream....

Crow: Now WHY couldn't Ranma have done that in the first place?!?

Tom: She had to give him the RU486 potion first.

>COLOGNE: I wouldn't be so relaxed now son in law.

Joel: After all, the fic's isn't over yet....

>Here, slpash yourself with this cold bucket of water.

Tom: <Cologne> Thank goodness I was about to take a bath when
you came along!

Joel: <shudders> *THERE'S* an image I can definitely live without!

>Now we shall see if the antidote had worked.

Crow: Duh!  Ranma's a guy now!  What more proof do you need?  On
second thought, don't answer that....

>Ranma took a deep breath and splashed himself with the cold water.
>It had worked! He was no longer pregnant in his girl form. He changed
>himself back into his regular male form without any delay.

Tom: So the baby disappeared just like that?

Crow: Does that mean it was aborted or it never existed?

Joel: These and many other questions never to be addressed again in
'A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic'....

>RANMA: I'm a man again!!! I'm no longer doomed! Thank you old hag,
>thank you!!!!

Tom:  <Ranma>  Oh, by the way, I wouldn't marry Shampoo if
she were the last girl on earth!  LOL!

>COLOGNE: Now don't be so content! You owe me something in return
>son in law. Will you marry my Shampoo?

Tom: <Ranma> D'oh!

Crow: Just say yes, Ranma.  It'll make things so much easier at this point.

>Ranma took a quick look at Shampoo and turned his attention back to

Joel: <Ranma> But old hag... It is you that I love....

Crow and Tom: BARF!!!  JOEL!!!

Joel: <chuckling> Just kidding, guys....

Crow and Tom: Grrrrr....

>He was thinking about Akane.

Tom: Now why is Ranma remaining loyal to Akane when she turned her
back on him?  And what about poor Ukyo?  She was the one that found him
in the first place?  Did Sheep cut out her tongue or what?!?

Joel: I think she only put in a cameo appearance....

Crow: Lucky girl.

>RANMA: I can't let Ryoga marry Akane! I have to stop the wedding!
>Don't worry old hag, you'll get your share once I get back!

Crow: Share of what?  The Wedding Cake?  The Silverware?  Microsoft?

>COLOGNE: Wait! Son in law, wait!

Joel: <Cologne> I forgot to tell you the potion is only effective for
an hour!  You have to keep taking doses for the rest of your... oh, forget it!

>It was too late, Ranma was already far away. He was going to crash the
>wedding and destroy Ryoga's happiness.

Tom: <sarcastically hums the theme to Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story>

Crow: <Ranma> Yo P-Chan!  It's payback time!

Joel: Don't blame Ryouga, Ranma!  He was only following Sheep's script!


Tom: Oh boy!  More useful information that wasn't included in the fanfic!

Joel: Yes, the Sheep Category can now be purchased for all Trivial Pursuit
Home Games.  Don't be a sheepskate!  Order yours today!

>1.So you now know if or if not the antidote had worked.

Tom: We're still at a loss to explain where the baby went though....

>But wait, these trivia questions are not just for straight answers like a
>school text book. These are your predictions and own ideas.

Joel: <Sheep>  YOU are now the author!  How would YOU end this fanfic?

Crow: Yeah. You can't be any worse than Sheep anyway!

Tom: I'd have Godzilla arrive and wipe out the entire town, let god sort
em out.  The end.

>Do not worry about my answers,

Tom: As they make no sense whatsoever.

>worry about yours and jot down your ideas ( answers as well ).


>So we've found out that Ranma's in hot pursuit in destroying that wedding.
Will he succeed? Will Genma ( his father )

Joel: As opposed to Genma, his....

Crow and Tom: Enough already!

Joel: Sorry.

>accept him back into the family?

All: <imitate the trumpet solo from The Godfather Part II>

>You be the judge,

Tom: Guilty.  Electric Chair.  Fry.

Crow: Repeat.

>remember, send in your interpretation to this web page.

Crow: What web page?

Tom: I think it's listed on the Anime Web Turnpike as 'A Ranma 1/2
Fanfic by Sheep'....

Crow: What?!?  This guy has an entire webpage dedicated to *THIS*

>Back to the story,

Tom: Into the jaws of death rode the three MSTers....

>Ranmajust made it inside the Tendo house and into Akane's open
>window sill.

Joel: If he was already in the house, why did he climb outside again?

>He was sitting on Akane's bed patiently.

Crow: <Ranma> Strange... is that wet pig I smell?

Joel and Tom: Ewwww....

>Finally the door opened.

All: (imitating creaking noise)

>It was Akane and Nabiki. Nabiki had Akane's wedding dress neatly
>folded in her hands.

Tom: Whoa!  *THIS* is a plot twist!

Crow: Her heart having been broken by Ranma, Akane decided a
incestuous lesbian marriage was the best way to go.

Joel: All they need now is Ukyo as the best man....

>NABIKI: Hey Akane, look who decided to drop by.

>AKANE: Ranma? Hmph! Why are you here?

Crow: Uhhh... have you noticed something different about him, Akane?

Joel: I don't believe it!  *EVERYBODY* in this fanfic is stupid!

>RANMA: I came to stop this wedding. The curse that Kuno had given
>me is gone. I had to take an antidote to reverse the effect off my female
>form. But see, I'm back to normal now!

Tom: Or as normal as a superhuman martial artist that still changes into
a girl with cold water and has an unnatural fear of cats can be....

>AKANE: How nice for you. Ranma, you do realize that your no longer
>welcome here?

Crow and Tom: Bitch!

Joel: Guys....

>I can't believe your father banished you from your own family.

Tom: Uh, have you actually ever met Genma Saotome?

>You've changed Ranma. So much from when we first met.

Crow: He's a lot thinner for one thing....

Joel: <Akane> In fact, right about the point when this fanfic began!

>But today I'm going to marry Ryoga. Our engagement between eachother
>is over, so you can leave anytime Ranma.

>NABIKI: Well, she hit you hard there, Ranma.

Crow: Looks like the Tendos have been taking sensitivity lessons from

Joel: Actually, except for Ranma's one punch to Ryouga, there's
been *NO* martial arts in this fic at all!

>RANMA: Akane?! Have you gone insane?! Ryoga's a regular jackass!

Crow: <Ranma> And you deserve to marry an extra special jackass...

>I didn't just come here to stop the wedding you know!

Tom: <Ranma> I came for the music!  Now put on some funky
chicken and shake ourselves stupid!

>AKANE: Oh? And what were you here for? Tell me!

>RANMA: I uh, came to say goodbye. Forever I guess.

Crow: Boy, Ranma's really taking this hard, eh?

Tom: Geez, and I thought Ryouga was being cruel....

>Well, I suppose that old hag will get her part of the deal.  Akane, I
>hope you and Ryoga will be happy with each other.

Tom: <Akane> We were last night!  Twice!

Crow: Heh.

>Akane couldn't even get a word in edgewise.  She had a feeling that this
>time, Ranma was actually serious!

Joel: <Akane> Wait, Ranma!  I was only kidding!  I'm still in love with
you!  I was just making a funny!  Wait!!

Tom: <groaning> Is it possible for a migraine to have a migraine?

>She saw tears in his eyes and a sad parting farewell

Joel: How did he convey this with his eyes?  Blinking and winking rapidly?

>as he took off from the window sill and upon roofs.

Tom: Where he proceeded to take out his fiddle and play while the dojo

>AKANE: Ranma?! RANMA!!!!!!!!!!!


>He had left, Ranma had left and was gone.

(All break out in hysterical laughter)

Crow: But just to be safe, he left yet again!  <giggles>

Tom: Oh my god... what the hell is Sheep smoking?

Joel: Whatever it is, I'll bet it didn't come sheep....

>Akane couldn't believe it,

Joel: <Akane> This has to be the lamest fanfic I've ever been in in my life!

>she sobbed for the next half hour.

Joel: <Akane> I hate my agent!  I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!


Tom: How much longer will this stupid fic go on?

Joel: Not too much longer, hopefully....

>1.Now that Ranma has left, what do you think he could had done to prevent
>it to happen this way?  Should he have seen Ryoga first?

Crow: What about beating up frigging *KUNO*?!?  KUNO is the cause
for all of Ranma's problems!

Joel: You get the feeling Sheep's looking for a successor?

Tom: Pass.

>You be the judge,

Joel: <Judge Judy> Who made YOU the boss, applesauce?!?

>provide your own answer.

Crow: Why bother?  They're only be more questions....

>Now back to the story,

Tom: Oh yes, we mustn't neglect the almighty *STORY*

Joel: Such as it is....

>Akane didn't show up for the wedding. In the dojo ( which was
>decorated and large enough for the wedding ), Ryoga ( in a tux ) was
>anxiously waiting for Akane to come down the line in her gown. There
>was no Akane.

Crow: So Ryouga married Kasumi.  La La!  The end!  Let's go!  (stands up)

Joel: Crow, sit down.  Just hang in there, man....

>MR. TENDO Where is Akane? Kasumi, have you seen her?

>KASUMI: No father, I haven't.

Crow: Of course!  She eloped with Nabiki!

>NABIKI: I know where she is. Ranma came by.

>GENMA SAOTOME: Ranma, he was here?!

Tom: <Genma> Get my gun.

>NABIKI: He said something that the curse of the pregnancy was reversed
>somehow by an antidote he had taken. He wanted to stop the wedding.
>Akane was harsh on him, as usual. Then he left, saying goodbye forever
>or something strange like that.

Crow: <Nabiki> I wasn't really paying attention because I was plastered....

>GENMA SAOTOME: That fool! That stupid cursed fool! We got to
>find Ranma!

Tom: Kinda hard to ridicule Ranma's curse when you've got one of your
own, panda man....

>RYOGA: Wait! Don't I have any say in this?! What about the wedding?!

Joel: <Kasumi> I'm still here, cutie!

>MR. TENDO: It's canceled in the meantime!

Joel: <Kasumi> Oh, poopy!

>First, we got to find Ranma before he does any drastic measures!

Crow: Yeah, like take up smoking.

>Saotome, you should allow Ranma to be part of the family again.

Tom: <Genma> Awww... but I get larger portions during meals now!

>GENMA SAOTOME: And even if I tried he wouldn't listen. I doubt he'll
>listen to me again.

Joel: <Genma> I don't know why... I mean... so I banished him from our
family and forced him to live on the streets as a beggar... MUST he take
it so personally?


>1.In your point of view, do you think Ranma will ever come back? Will
>he believe and accept his father's pleads to come back into the family?

Tom: 2. Do you think Ranma will ever get around to punishing Kuno for
raping him?   Will Kuno survive what would surely be a life threatening

>You be the judge.

Tom: Thank you.

Crow: And now....

Joel: Wait for it....

>And now, back to the story….


>Ranma was inside Shampoo's Chinese Restaurant.

Joel: As opposed to Shampoo's Chuckie Cheese.

>He was about to tell the old hag about his sudden change in heart.  He
>wanted to marry Shampoo and rid Akane out of his mind.

Tom: <Ranma> I figure several days and nights of hot passionate sex ought
to do the trick....

Crow: Ah, the lemony cure for a broken heart.

>RANMA: Old hag, I made a decision. I want to marry Shampoo.

Joel: <Cologne> I take it Akane gave you the old heave ho?

>Ranma, disregarding his final choice in the matter, had Akane still glued
>to the back of his head.

Tom: Imagine the headache he's receiving from that....

Joel: <Akane> Boy, this Krazy Glue stuff really does work!

>He felt terribly uncomfortable saying that. But Cologne wasn't the
>type to judge on this decision,

Crow: No wonder Sheep keeps asking us to be the judge, Cologne's
shirking her duties!

>she sccepted it with gratidude.

Joel: *Sccept* for her smug look, triumphant grin and whooping it up at
the top of her lungs....

>COLOGNE: Done! You both shall wed today!

>Ranma was thrown back off balance.

All: <Muted trumpet imitation>  Wah-wah-wah-wahhhhhh.

>RANMA: Tonight?!!? Don't you think it's a little too soon?! I mean, the
>wedding preperations and junk like that….

Tom: <Cologne> Why son-in-law, I would think a nice healthy young boy
like you would want to skip directly to the honeymoon....

>Cologne smiled a toothless smile

All: Eeeeeewwww!

Tom: There's one smile that won't be lighting up any rooms....

Crow: Even Nuku Nuku's School of Smiling couldn't fix THAT!

>and gave out a harsh cackling laugh that nearly made Ranma lose his lunch.

Joel: Looks like Kodachi has competition....

Tom: Y'know, it's bad enough that Sheep keeps telling us the same
things over and over... but he does it with exactly the same words every

Crow: Yeah! What's wrong with upchuck? Vomit? Toss cookies? Throw up?
Puke? Disgorge? Technicolor Yawn?  Spew?  Lung Butter?

Joel: Um, okay, I think you made your point....

Tom: Yuck!

>COLOGNE: It'll be absolutly perfect! Love can't wait forever you know!

Crow: <Cologne> After all, love ain't no diamond, babe.

>Sooner than they thought it'll happen,

Tom: The fic was over?  Please god, say the fic was over....

>Akane and the others were told of the news of Ranma's wedding that
>day. Akane was outraged.

>AKANE: Why, that jerk! That moron, that jackass!!!

Crow: <Akane> How DARE he do what *I* was going to do!

>MR. TENDO: Now Akane, control yourself. We still have a chance.

>RYOGA: Ha! Ranma, up to his no good tricks again! I'll kill him!

Tom: Not like Ryoga would WANT Ranma to marry Shampoo....


Joel: Hold?

Crow: Now Genma's ripping off Kuno's lines!  What is going ON here?!?

Tom: At least Genma's IC by stealing *something*....

>I'll talk to the boy. It's been a while since the boy and I had a father
>and son chat.

Crow: Gee, I couldn't imagine why.

Joel: <Genma> I just hope he doesn't hold a grudge for disowning him.
He just caught me in a really bad mood that day....

>Let me handle this.

Crow: Never have those words inspired less confidence than when
spoken by Genma Saotome....

Tom: Just *those* words?

>Genma, as a martial artist himself

Tom: Though he could use more practice in the *marital* arts....

>got inside the groom's room where Ranma was at without any difficulty.

Joel: He just smashed his way through the wall....

Crow: Hey, Shampoo does it all the time.

>He closed the door gently behind him. Ranma was seated on a chair
>and looking at himself in the mirror as doing some finishing touches
>on his bow tie. He was already in the groom's tux.

Tom: <imitates guitar strumming....>

Joel: Ranma Saotome *IS* Tux-boy!

Crow: If he starts throwing roses, I'm going to be VERY upset....

>GENMA SAOTOME: Ranma, I'm afraid your making a grave mistake.

Tom: <Genma> Because if you marry Shampoo, I'll kill you!

Joel: A mistake? You mean like mixing up "your" and "you're?"

>Ranma knew his father was there, and ignored him at first.

All: <singing> How can I try to explain? When I do he turns away again,
it's always been the same, same old story....

>GENMA SAOTOME: I apologise for banishing you out from the family.
>But you cannot wed today.  Akane…..um….

Tom: <Genma> ...has been kidnapped!  Yeah, another weird prince
type with a flying... err... flying... fortress-like thingy came by the Tendos
and scooped her right up!  You're the only one that can save her, Ranma!

>RANMA: Save your breath Pop.( slang for dad ).

Crow: NO!!! Is it REALLY?!?

Tom: AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!  (His head explodes
in a flash of pyrotechnics)

Crow: Tom?!?  What happened?

Joel: Looks like the stupidity of the fanfic was too much for him.  Poor
little guy....

(Joel sighs as he gets to work fixing Tom with some airplane glue and a
pair of tweezers....)

>I know what I want. And I'm going to marry Shampoo. Akane is
>totally outta my life! Forever. And besides, she said she was going to
>marry Kuno, didn't she?

Joel: Um... wasn't it Ryoga?

Crow: She doesn't care, as long as she gets some!

>Genma paused.

Crow: I wish he'd fast forward....

Joel: There we go.  Good as new, Tom!

Tom: <sniffles>  N-Now I know what Dr. F meant by S-Sheep Hurting....

Joel: Hang in there, Tom.  I think the story's almost over.

>GENMA SAOTOME: The wedding has been called off. She's not
>marrying him. All t needs is a re-engagement by you.

Crow: <Ranma> Well, that's all fine and dandy for *t*, but it doesn't
forgive what you did to me now, does it?

Joel: That's MR. *t* to you, pal!

>RANMA: I made my choice Pop. It's no use. Akane hates me and
>she's better off with Ryoga.

Crow: Or Kuno.

Tom: Or Shinnosuke. Or Konatsu. Or Pantyhose. Or Kumon Ryu.
Or Kirin.  Or Toma.  Or Happo....

Joel: Don't even think about it, Tom....

>GENMA SAOTOME: Listen to your senses boy!

Crow: <Ranma> Okay... GANGWAY!  I'M OUTTA HERE!!!

Tom: If Ranma has any sense, he'll marry Shampoo and END THIS FIC!

Joel: Yeah, but don't forget who's writing this....

Tom and Crow: <groans>

>Akane needs you! We all do! Now stand up to what really is like a man!

Joel: If that made any sense, I'm sure it would be very inspirational.

>I didn't come all the way in here to just let you get off easy!

Crow: <Ranma> Actually, Shampoo's more than willing to help me in that
department, pop....

>Listen to me Ranma, I know whats right for you and calling off the
>wedding is for your own good.

Tom: <Genma> I've seen the Ranma 1/2 OVAs, Ranma!  Akane's going
to have a D-cup size with a killer figure in the future!  Look what you'll
be giving up!

>RANMA: I already made a deal with that old hag. It was the only way
>for me to get the antidote and change myself back. Now I got to repay her.

Crow: IfyaknowwhatImean!

Tom: UUUrrrrgggghhhh....

Joel: Crow, please don't make Tom suffer any more than he already has....

>GENMA SAOTOME: Call it off. I'll handle the rest.

Crow: IfyaknowwhatI....

(Joel stands up, causing Crow to flee to the other end of the theater.  Joel
slowly sits back down and Crow timidly returns to his seat a moment later.)

>Ranma turned around quickly and looked his father straight in the eye.

Crow: <Ranma> Pretty....

Joel: Oh, they're having a staring contest.  Winner decides Ranma's fate.

Tom: All right, Ranma!  Here's your chance to finally tell Genma what he
can do with his promises and arrangements, once and for all!  This is
your moment, Ranma Saotome!   Go for it, dude!

>RANMA SAOTOME: You'll do that for me? Pop, oh, THANK YOU!!!

Tom: WHAT?!?!?

>Ranma embraced his father in a loving hug.


Joel: What is he, Ranma Buscaglia all of a sudden?!?

>Later that day,

Tom: Epilogue....

>Ranma was busy eating some chips as he watched some T.V. Akane
>made her way in the room.

Joel: Ranma's watching the Tomboy Channel.

Crow: All Tomboys.  All the time.

>AKANE: So, the wedding between you and Shampoo was canceled, hmm?

>RANMA: Oh shutup. I thought you liked Ryoga.

Tom: And the happy couple are reunited once more.

Joel: <Akane> I did like Ryouga.  Now I like you.  And tomorrow, I'll like
Gosunkugi.  After all, we're only engaged.  It's not like we're married or

>AKANE: I was obligated, same as you. By the way, how did your father
>tell Cologne it was canceled and filled in the deal?

>RANMA: Oh, he went on a date.



Tom: A date with death, he said hopefully....

>RANMA: Yeah, I thought so too when I heard the news. The old hag
>reversed the deal and made my Pop go on a one day date with her.

Tom and Crow: <start laughing hysterically>

Crow: Wow!  I was wrong about Sheep!  He just condemned Genma to a
fate worse than death!

Tom: <giggling>  I couldn't think of a more fitting punishment if I tried....

Joel: But... But that doesn't make any SENSE!  Why would Cologne sacrifice
her granddaughter's happiness for a date with *GENMA* of all people?!?
When has she *EVER* been interested in him?!?  And what's Nodoka
going to say about this when she finds out?

Crow: Who cares!  He deserves to suffer!  Woo hoo!

Tom: Yee Ha!

Joel: <staring at them> Uh, I think the stress of the fanfic is getting to you

Tom: <giggling> Nonsense, Joel!  We *LOVE* Sheep now!  He! He! He!

Crow: <giggling> Yeah!  He's our best friend in the whole wide world!
He! He! He!

Joel: <sweatdrops>  Uh oh....

>AKANE: Didn't your father refuse?

>RANMA: He couldn't. The deal had to be done.

Joel: <Ranma> So it's a done deal, you dig?

>He said he would handle it anyway.

Crow: <giggles> By jiggling it!

Tom: <simply laughs again, unable to stop himself>

Joel: <Sam Beckett> Oh, boy...

>Just then, Genma stepped into the room. He was flushed red and had
>red lipstick kiss marks all over his cheeks. Cologne was on his back.

Tom: <giggles> He's got a dried up monkey on his back....


>COLOGNE: Come on Genma, you can do better than that! Carry me
>to the mall, we have a lot to do there!

Joel: <Cologne> Big sale on 501s at the Gap!

>GENMA SAOTOME: Groan! Ranma, you fool! Don't ever get yourself
>in another jam, especially with this woman!

Crow: Especially with this author!

>RANMA: No worries Pop ( LOL )!!!

All: ^_^;

>But I have a good feeling that this is not over yet.

All: OH YES IT IS!!!



>Well reader, what did you think?

Crow:  Two words.  Sheep Hurting.

>Please place your opinion of this story and of the trivia questions,
>followed by your own interpretations and answers for them.

Joel: Gee, where to begin....

Tom: Everybody was OOC!

Crow: The grammar was sloppy!

Tom: The plot was ludicrous!

Crow: The dialogue was absurd!

Tom: The drama was corny!

Crow: The comedy wasn't funny!

Tom: The action was nil!

Crow: The romance was insulting!

Tom: The trivia was pointless!

Crow: And the guilty went free!

Tom: What did you think of it, Joel?

Crow: You be the judge!

Joel: Um... It really wasn't that good?


Joel: And now back to the story....

>I hope you enjoyed it.

Crow: Yeah, well, hope in one hand and crap in the other and see which
piles up first....

>Please send all your words to this web site in which you found this crazy
>story in.

Joel: <singing> Story... Story... Crazy Story....

Tom: Get bent, boy.

>Oh, and be sure, if you would like any more of my crazy
>( entertainment only ) stories, be sure toadd them in any questions or
>comments that you would like to have! Okay, bye!

Joel: Toadd?  You mean if a princess kisses the fanfic, it'll turn into a prince?

Crow: Yeah, the artist formally known as 'A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic'....

Tom: Oh, that's funny, guys... CAN WE GET OUT OF HERE NOW, PLEASE?!?

Joel: Okay, Tommy....

* * *


 Tom, Crow and Joel all stared silently at the camera, the
shell-shocked expressions on their faces causing Frank to involuntarily
shiver.  "Uh, Dr. F?"  He nervously inquired.  "I think your lab rats
want a word with you...."

 Dr. Forrester strolled up to the camera, a smug expression of
triumph on his face.  "Ah, yes.  I can see now that I'm definitely on the
right track with this experiment.  I take it *Sheep Hurting* was a little
more than you bargained for, eh?"

 Joel and the bots remained silent.

 "What's the matter?  Afraid to admit this fanfic bothered you?
Well, my little friends, now that I'm aware of that little fact, you'll be
receiving more fanfics from Sheep in the near future.  I figure another
three or four fanfics like today's will soon have you screaming bloody...

 "Uh, Dr. F?"

 Dr. Forrester spun around, enraged.  "FRANK!  HOW MANY
GLOATING?!?"  he snarled as he turned his attention back to the screen.

 "But, Dr. F!  Sheep's website is gone!"  Frank exclaimed.

 "WHAT?!?"  Dr. Forrester shoved past his assistant and stared
at the screen in shock.  "No...." he whispered, his face a mask of disbelief.

 "I guess Sheep couldn't take the criticism for his fanfic and
laid down for the readers,"  Frank quietly remarked as Dr. Forrester
desperately tried to summon the now dormant homepage of Sheep....

* * *


 "Did you hear that guys?  We'll never have to worry about another
Sheep Fanfic again!"  Joel replied excitedly.

 "WOO HOO!!!"  Tom whooped with joy.

 "THERE *IS* A GOD!!!  YES!!!"  Crow screamed happily.
 Joel breathed a sigh of relief and smiled as he watched his
creations celebrate.  It had been touch and go there for a while but at
last, the bots seemed to be back to their normal selves.  "Okay guys,
We've got a letter here to read and then what's say we visit the Holocabana
for some Kareoke!"

 "Yeah!"  The bots replied in union.

 "Okay, this week's letter comes to us from Rachael K and
she writes...."


I just wanted to write a note saying how much I LOVE your MSTings.  I look
forward to every new one that you write.  I must admit, I haven't watched
very much anime, so some it flies over my head, but your riffs are fun and
funny for even the novice among us.  I've enjoyed many classic MSTings,
but you are my favorite MSTing author.  Plus I think you must have a VERY
well balanced mind to be able to endure multiple readings of anything by
Oscar (I could never read that stuff without your riffing). I still laugh
every time I read Artemis Lover. Even your host segments, and the way you
handle Joel and the 'bots, are great.  I really enjoyed your latest
California Dreaming, and I think Shakari has all the potential to be the
next Oscar (dear God that may not be such a great thing...).

Anyway, here's to hoping for many more seasons of your series :)

All for now

Rachael K*

 "Thanks, Rachael!  We hope to keep bringing you MSTings
that'll have you laughing for a long time to come!"  Joel replied as the
bots continued to celebrate behind him.

 "And we've got more great news!  Our friend, Shizen, who once
had a fanpage dedicated to this series has rebuild his page and our
section as well!  The address can be found in the endnotes of this MSTing!"
Joel finished as he smiled towards the camera.

 "Well, sirs?"

* * *


 Dr. Forrester looked as though he were about to have a nervous
breakdown for a moment.  Then he slowly rose to his feet, pasting his
best sneer on his face as he faced the viewscreen.

      "Oh well.  You win some  You lose some,"  Dr. Forrester said,
shrugging.  "It doesn't matter.  I still have an endless supply of fanfics to
break your spirit and if all else fails, there's always Oscar.  But until then,
I'll see you next experiment, Joel.  Push the button, Frank...."

 "As you wish,"  Frank replied in his best Cary Elwes impression
as he pushed the button.


(Feel free to hum the closing theme as you read my author's notes.)

Hello everyone!  I hope you enjoyed my 18th MSTing and I apologize
for taking a little longer than usual to finish it.  A big thank you to
everyone who've sent me praise and suggestions for MSTings.  I
appreciate them all and enjoy reading them immensely.  :)

I'd like to give very special thanks to Gary Kleppe, who personally
wrote the *He/She* pronoun debate sketch and gave me C&C on
the MSTing, as well as Robin "Lunari" Seabaugh, who helped with the
inventions and also provided C&C for the MSTing.  I couldn't have
finished it without their help and I can't thank them enough.  :)

I'd also like to thank Timothy McLees, Luna and Artemis, Chris
Bergstrom, Jay Dee Archer (Jupiter Knight), Michael K. Neylon,
Demon Stalker, Oscar, and Sakura for being nice enough to post my
MSTings on their webpages, Also, special thanks to Shizen for dedicating
a webpage for my MSTings and fics and Theo Mintesnot for helping me
come up with a love theme for this series.  :)

Finally I'd like to thank Sheep for writing "A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic" and
giving me a lot of material to work with.   I hope you're not too offended.
It's all meant in good fun.  If you are, feel free to MST my own works, I
won't mind a bit.

C&C, as always, is appreciated.  (fcasper@yesic.com)
A MSTing for all Seasons
A full archive of all Mystery Science Theater 6.7 episodes, Megane 6.7
fanfiction, and collaborations!

Shizen's Versatile Home Page V3.0
http://svhp.webjump.com/  (Contains links to my MSTings and fanfics)
(Alternate site: http://www.tass.org/fanfic/MST3k/)

Shinji's Vault of Anime MSTings


101- "GAMES" by Artemis  (SM Lemon)
102- "ARTEMIS'S LOVER"  (Original Draft)  by Oscar  (SM Lemon)
103- "SAILOR JUPITER VS. GODZILLA"  by The Flashman
104- "JUDGE BRAINITITE" by Dr. Thinker  (SM Fanfic)
w/short "RANMA 1/2: ACCUSED PT. 1" by Karmin  (R1/2 Fanfic)
105- "THE WAR" by M. Llave  (R1/2 Fanfic)
106- "TRANSITIONS" by Richard Lawson  (Nuku Nuku Fanfic)
107- "HELLRAISERS" (Original Draft) by Aaron Eaton
(La Blue Girl/Overfiend/Original Crossover)
108- "MEN OF BOKKEN" by M. Llave  (R1/2 Fanfic)
(SM/WWF Crossover)
w/short "THE DINNER PARTY" by Chris Curzon  (SM/RL Crossover)
CHRISTMAS" by Dr. Thinker  (SM Christmas Fanfic)

201- "THAT GIRL"  PT. 1-2  by Oscar  (SM Lemon)
202- "VIRGIN WARRIOR SAILOR MOON" by Umino  (SM Lemon)
203- "*R*P*M*" by Flynn  (SM/SPAWN Crossover)
204- "RANKO'S LIFE" PT. 1-2  by Hitomi Ichinohei  (R1/2 Fanfic)
205- "TRAPPED" by Mr_Jazz  (SM Lemon)
206- "OSCAR TOON"  PT. 1-4 by Oscar  (SM/DBZ/WB Crossover)
(Mutiple Crossover Lemon)
208- "A RANMA 1/2 FANFIC" PT. 1-2 by Sheep  (R1/2 Fanfic)
209- "TRIANGLE TANGLE" by CATS  (SM Lemon)
(UY Lemon)

301- "A WET DREAM COME TRUE" by Mike Rhea  (R1/2 Lemon)
302- "TORTURED ECHO" PT. 1-4 by Trakal  (R1/2 Fanfic)
303- "RANMA KILLS!" PT. 1-2 by Sir Asayogure  (R1/2 Fanfic)
304- "OKONOMIYAKI SUMMER" by Mike Rhea  (R1/2 Fanfic)
w/short "UNDER THE MISTLETOE" by Mike Rhea  (R1/2 Fanfic)
by Dr. Thinker  (Pokemon Christmas Fanfic)
306- "9-BALL DREAMS" PT. 1-2 by Mr_Jazz  (SM Crossover Lemon)
307- "WINTER" by Joseph Palmer  (R1/2 Fanfic)
308- "UKYO GETS WHAT SHE DESERVES" PT. 1-2 by R_Vincent
(R1/2 Lemon)


"DIMISIONAL TROUBLE" by Dr. Thinker  (SM Fanfic)
"MOONDUSTED" by Stephen Ratliff  (SM/TNG Crossover)

Shinji's Vault of Anime MSTings

"9 1/2 CHIPMUNKS" by Toon Dreams  (Rescue Rangers Yaoi Lemon)

Lefty's MSTings

(Two interviews with the Ultimate Warrior and '3:16 Rulzs!' by Oracle)

Website Number 9 MSTings

(Ranma 1/2/Eddings/SM Crossover)

"REDHEADS" by Robert Haynie
(Slayers/Ranma 1/2 Crossover)

Gary Kleppe's Comics and Manga Page


Zoogz's Fanfiction and Fandom Page

The Homepage of Jeffrey "Oneshot" Wong

'Suicide Blast' by: Keener
Additional links for Keener's stuff
-- http://tmffa.com/
-- http://www.redrival.com/myrriden/index.html

Flashman's Flash Point


Website Number 9 MSTings

Lord Carnage's Cursed Fanboys Page!

A Sailor Moon Romance

Zen's Fanfiction Page

Webdragon's Lair

Sean Gaffney's Webpage

">You be the judge.  And now, back to the story…."

Mystery Science Theater 3000 and its related characters and situations
are trademarks of and (c) 1998 by Best Brains, Inc. All rights

Keep Circulating the Fanfics....

Mystery Science Theater 6.7
Megane 6.7 Archives