Welcome to one of the greatest sideshow acts in all of fanfiction, Oscar! He's a helluva guy that always seems to get his cat and save the world, all in the same afternoon. For your viewing pleasure, MST6.7 has tackled three of his fanfics without suffering many casualties. From the "Great Guide of MST6.7", here's Megane 6.7 with the fics!
**Warning**: These fics contain mature content. We ask you to please be responsible in the downloading and reading of this material. Also, if you are offended by such material, we ask kindly that you not read it in the first place. Thank you.
201-"That Girl" (1998)- The original hermaphrodite of fanfiction returns
to continue his reign of ego. A new student, bravely played by Darkstalker's
Felicia, has transferred to Oscar's school, and within seconds of seeing Oscar
she falls head over heels in love with him. Oscar pretends to stay true to
Artemis long enough for Felicia to find another boyfriend only to discover
he's cheating on her. This, of course, allows Oscar to shamelessly rip off a
scene from 'End of Summer' in order to get Felicia in the sack, strictly to help
her forget, mind you. Then there's the glorious aftermath where Oscar
commits mass murder to cover up his affair and keep Artemis in blissful
ignorance. Strangely enough, I really enjoyed MSTing this.
Text version, part 1
Text version, part 2
206-"Oscar Toon" (1998)- Oscar's back and he's loonier than ever! With the
help of a stroking white beam, Oscar finds himself in Looney Tune Land where
he immediately begins to cause mischief. It isn't long before he runs into Fifi and
once again, it's love at first sight. Same goes for Lola, who falls for the self-
insertion charm like a 10 ton anvil from Acme. But cheating on Artemis with two
furry women still isn't enough for Oscar as he picks fights with various toons and
teaches them dangerous ki-blasts to maim each other before finally coming face to
face with the being that sent him here. Gee, I wonder who's going to win THAT fight?
Text version, part 1
Text version, part 2
Text version, part 3
Text version, part 4
The Oscar Papers: This is a series of emails between Megane 6.7 and J. Kazos Jr. outlining some very pertinent issues regarding authors such as Oscar who have their works MSTed, relations with MST authors, and other issues. Megane and I both invite you to read these essays for a positive outlook on MSTing throughout the Internet.