105-"The War" (1997)-War... what is it good for? Why, a MSTing of
course! Tendo Nabiki assumes the role of a tough-as-nails, yet emotionally
fragile commando in this grim story that has Korean soldiers invading
Japan and taking the Tendos hostage. We learn this through a rather long
flashback as Nabiki hides helplessly as her family get taken away, despite
a stupid attempt by Kuno Tatewaki to stop them. Fast forward back to
the present where Ranma and Nabiki kill a few soldiers for the hell of it
before the story is mercifully cut short due to time and space constraints,
although to be honest, what was left still resolved NOTHING. Trust me.
Text version
108-"Men of Bokken" (1997)-Another short story from M. Llave, the first
part of a series that, just like 'The War' was never continued to my
knowledge. (As if I'm any better with my own fanfic series. ;P) Anyway,
the story opens with Nabiki Tendo, fresh from her role in 'The War', playing
the part of a heartbroken widow, along with her daughter who looks identical
to her, with the exception of being smaller. A clone, perhaps? We then abruptly
switch the focus over to a mysterious being known only as the 'Bokeru'. This
'being', as it is continually referred to in the fanfic, fights the entire Kendo
club before facing a challenge by Kuno Tatewaki himself. Who will emerge
triumphant in this battle between Men of Bokken? The answer may surprise
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208-"A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic" (1998)- Oh man, where do I start with this one? This
has to be one of the worst Ranma 1/2 fanfics of all time and was definitely the
most painful one for me to get through. The plot, if you can call it that, has Ranma
getting pregnant by Kuno in his girl form while unconscious and getting thrown
out on his butt by Genma and the Tendos. Nice, huh? Things go from bad to
worse until Cologne suggests a possible solution... for a price. Suffice it to say,
characterization has never been more off-base, with EVERYBODY acting OOC
in one way or another. And once you get to the trivia questions... oh god... do
me a favor and read this fic so my sacrifice wasn't in vain, okay? I'd really appreciate
Text version, part 1
Text version, part 2
303-"Ranma Kills!" (1999)- Saotome Ranma was a man in love. Then he
witnessed a scene that changed him into a beast of rage. And hell, if not
plausibility, followed with him. Basically, Ranma stumbles upon an attempted
gang rape and takes it upon himself to slaughter the gang. We are told and
shown by the author that this action is justified because the gang is evil!
EEEEEEEEVIL!!! Things get even sillier when Ranma gets himself shot, only
to gain incredible powers with the help of a magical sphere of light. I wonder
if she's related to Glenda the Good Witch. Heh heh heh.
Text version, part 1
Text version, part 2
304-"Okonomiyaki Summer" (1999)- The Ranma/Ukyou lovefest continues as
Mike Rhea's favorite couple move to the beach to sell okonomiyaki and meet
a few other couples from different anime series during the day. Everyone is very
happy with their new lives and everything is beautiful. Then Ranma and Ukyou
retreat to their home to engage in kissing "briefly,passionately". And, that's pretty
much the entire plot in a nutshell. Oh yeah, Mr. Fujinami gets what's coming
to him by forcing him to take a bus. No, really!
Text version
406- "Ranma's Revenge (1998)- What can be said about THIS fic? It's the prologue, first chapter, and EPILOGUE to a Ranma fic. Watch as the scene is set up, and instead of fast thrilling action the author would just rather resolve the whole darned thing. Maybe he felt guilty for killing a favored character off. Maybe he just isn't cut out for suspense/action and would rather just WAFF out a couple fics. Maybe he was just so lazy that completing it would've cramped his style. At any rate, we invite you to read of the (incomplete!) story of Ranma's Revenge, served Ranma's way or no way. Watch as Akane's last meal is just as bad as her first!
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408- "Episode 999: From Hell!"- Megane 6.7 again tackles the world of Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction, this time taking on a whole anime club along with their fearless leaders! Without spoiling too much of the "art" within, be sure you don't miss Ryouga the new-age Deadhead, the 'best kiss ever in anime', and the Konou twins!
Text version
410- "ranma the assasin"- It's the end of yet another great season as the SOL is forced to read yet another bad Ranma fanfic! See as Ranma attempts to assassinate all sorts of world leaders and notable figures... oh yeah, he barely even gets out of his garage. Oh well...
Text Version