There are many dynamic authors at work doing MSTs of almost every possible genre of fiction. Disney fanfics, Star Trek fanfics, and all sorts of other genres exist, and these authors are more than happy to answer the call and give us some top-quality humor. And sometimes, these authors get together and decide to do MSTings in groups! (See our FFIRC page for other details) Here we have many of the best and brightest, along with Megane's efforts... see for yourself, and enjoy!
**Warning**: These fics contain mature content. We ask you to please be responsible in the downloading and reading of this material. Also, if you are offended by such material, we ask kindly that you not read it in the first place. Thank you.
#1- "Dimisional Trouble" (1997)- Every generation has a legend... Every journey
has a first step... Every MSTed... ahh... hmm, can't think of a way to finish that.
#2- "Moondusted" (1997)- If you've ever read or written a MSTing before, then
chances are you've heard of Stephen Ratliff and his vast collection of Star Trek:
The Next Generation fanfiction starring his unholy creation, Marissa Picard.
This is another fanfic in that collection that has Marissa discovering the world
of Sailor Moon, forcing everyone to dress up like SM characters while a couple
of Romulan ships decide to attack the Enterprise for the hell of it... the poor saps.
#3- 'The Day of Emergence' (1998)- The very first FFIRC MST, this
one is a mega-fusion of Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, and the David Eddings
universe of the Belgariad/Malloreon. It features many characters introduced
rather quickly, hordes of blue jewels, swarms of evil no-faced do-badders,
and special guest star John!
#4- "The Countess Chronicles" (1998)- This extremely dark fanfic takes the cake,
throws it back up and feeds it to the cat so it'll throw up too. Rarely has a story
done more to make you toss your chocolate chips as the sailor scouts endure torture
aplenty from a sick old crone. Of course, if you're a fan of Clive Barker and Stephen
King, then it might just be right up your alley. Browse it if you dare, oh gentle reader....
#5- "9 1/2 Chipmunks" (1994)- Okay... take everything you know about Chip and
Dale's Rescue Rangers and throw it out the window. Then frantically dive headfirst
out the window in a desperate attempt to get that knowledge back cause in this furry
tail... er... tale that has a horny Dale reflecting back on his life with the Rescue Rangers
before deciding to score with Chip a few times, you may never see the show in the same
light again. Good toon erotica or Bad toon lemon? You decide....
#6- "'Mystery Wrestling Theater 3000', Post 105: Double Trouble!"
(Two interviews with the Ultimate Warrior and '3:16 Rulzs!' by Oracle)
(1997)- If you thought no one could ever write as incoherently as Dr. Thinker... you
were right. But Jim Hellwig 'AKA' 'The Ultimate Warrior' comes pretty darn
close as he rants about everything from why technical wrestlers suck to why he's
just that much greater than everyone else. Following this is a fan-made wrestling
card that has a potty mouthed Vince McMahon forcing Stone Cold Steve Austin
to fight seemingly everyone in wrestling in one night. Fortunately Steve has the
all-powerful *KICK TO THE NADS* to protect him... but will it be enough?
#7- "Redheads" (2000)- Originally written by Robert "Kenko" Haynie, one of
our own FFIRC members, this shows that the FFIRC will look almost anywhere
for great targets. In this Ranma 1/2 and Slayers cross-over, Ranma and Lina
Inverse are sisters and Akane's along for the ride as well. Watch as exposition
abounds and Gourry still manages to look stupid.
Dot Every T: #1- "Relationships" (2000)- One of the first NGE fics that either Megane 6.7 or I have ever tackled, it was in tandem with a group of freelancers from the FFIRC that were bored one day from gaming. And they (much less we) soon found out that boredom's preferable to this stinkburger, which advances the "superior lesbian" theory like no other fic and features Shinji training extensively underwater. Read this more than once and you might "drip drip" your eyes out too. At any rate, welcome to the first (and hopefully, not last) "Dot Every T" production!
Dot Every T: #2- "A Little Change of Plans" (2000)- When authors write crossovers, there are a select few that seem to make believable sense. That's usually when the author takes the time to explain reasonably how the two series are meant to fit together. On the other hand, we offer this exhibit; this fic is a crossover between Ranma 1/2 and Neon Genesis Evangelion where the author had to completely rearrange characters and canon facts in order to shoehorn both series in. Features a super-special cameo by the Second Impact... oops, you missed it!
Dot Every T: #3- "House of Ikari" (2000)- We invite you to read the MST of a fic that's a cross between Dallas, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Ivanhoe. In it, Rei flips about 2,999,999,999 of the synapses in her brain as she goes gaga for Shinji, Asuka rebels as long as she possibly can, and Rei devotes her last synapse to figuring out how to best humiliate Asuka. Not to mention tons of exposition about retainers and feudal systems. And look for two great new characters... Miyako the geisha, the last geisha on Earth... and GENDON THE MIGHTY!!!
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Text Version, Part 3
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